105,698 people have flown from Koca Seyit Airport

105,698 people have flown from Koca Seyit Airport

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 16.07.2024 11:53
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 16.07.2024 11:53

Koca Seyit Airport, located in Balıkesir's Edremit district and connecting the Northern Aegean holiday resorts to the world by air, served 105,698 passengers in the first half of 2024. During the three-day holiday period, the airport attracted attention with flight occupancy rates exceeding 90%.

Balıkesir Koca Seyit Airport operates flights to two airports in Istanbul, Ankara Esenboğa, and Germany. With five passenger flights conducted daily, the airport also hosts flight schools to meet Turkey's pilot needs and the Ministry of Forestry's firefighting aircraft.

In the first six months, Koca Seyit Airport saw a total of 11,062 flights, including 10,987 domestic and 75 international flights. During this period, 97,077 domestic passengers and 8,621 international passengers, totaling 105,698, received pre- and post-flight services. The airport is also noted for its commercial flights, with 810 commercial flights, including 759 domestic and 51 international, conducted in the first half of the year.

The airport is particularly notable for its high occupancy rates during holiday periods and peak tourism seasons. During the three-day holiday, the commercial flight occupancy at the airport exceeded 90%.