56 thousand people visited Sumela Monastery in 5 months

Sumela Monastery, one of Turkey's important religious tourism routes, hosted 56 thousand 111 people in about 5 months.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 21.05.2023 15:46
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 21.05.2023 15:46

Restoration and rock strengthening works, which started about 7 years ago, were completed in January 2023 at the Sümela Monastery, which was built by carving the rocks in a forest area 300 meters above the valley, at the foot of Karadağ in Maçka district overlooking Altındere Valley.

Also known as "Virgin Mary" among the people, the monastery was visited by 56 thousand 111 people in the last 5 months after its opening. The intense interest of domestic and foreign tourists to the monastery continues.

Halil Akyaz, who lives in Germany, stated that they went on a Black Sea tour with a group of 10 people and said that their first place to visit was the Sümela Monastery.

Stating that he came to the monastery for the first time, Akyaz said, "It is very difficult to get out, but it is a place worth seeing. I recommend it to everyone. It is very beautiful with its waterfalls and forests, I recommend it to everyone. I recommend that people who are interested in history and love history come here to see it."

Seher Bekar, who came from Fatsa district of Ordu to visit Sümela Monastery, said, "I wanted to come to Sümela Monastery before, but I could not come because of restoration. Thank God I had a chance to see it. It is a beautiful place, I recommend it to local and foreign tourists."