A cruise ship flying the Bahamian flag docked in Kuşadası

A cruise ship flying the Bahamian flag docked in Kuşadası

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 28.01.2024 16:30
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 28.01.2024 16:30

Kuşadası Ege Port Limanı hosted the Bahamian-flagged cruise ship named Viking Saturn last week, which had to change its route due to adverse weather conditions. Launched in 2023, the ship, distinguished by its modern Scandinavian design, docked at the Kuşadası Port with its 930 passengers.

Viking Saturn arrived in Kuşadası on the 15th day of its 21-day Barcelona-Istanbul voyage. After Kuşadası, the ship will make stops in Çanakkale and Istanbul. The passengers of the ship visited historical and touristic places such as the Ancient City of Ephesus, the House of the Virgin Mary, and the village of Şirince in Kuşadası.