A new era is beginning in hotels

Tourism professionals, accelerating preparations for the new season, are working on a new business model for 2024.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 10.12.2023 13:52
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 10.12.2023 13:52

Industry representatives, particularly focusing on gastronomy, sports, and cultural tourism activities, are aiming to reconsider the widely popular yet equally debated all-inclusive system.


Speaking to Hürriyet about the industry's plans for 2024, Korhan Alşan, the CEO of Nirvana Hotels, noted an increasing need to reconsider the all-inclusive system due to rising costs and changing customer expectations. Alşan stated, "Some of the hotels implementing the all-inclusive system may shift to half-board. Of course, the all-inclusive system will never disappear because it is a very comfortable model, especially during the summer season. Turkey implements this very well.


Alşan, noting that completely abandoning the all-inclusive system is not rational, explained it as follows: "We need to diversify the content of this system because there is confusion in some aspects. For example, consumers have started questioning why they are paying for products they did not purchase. We are also contemplating the question, 'Why should a tourist who does not consume alcohol pay for it throughout their vacation?' We plan to offer a model where consumers can choose the products they will use."


Kaan Kavaloğlu, the President of the Mediterranean Hoteliers and Operators Association (AKTOB), commented on the 'pay as you use' model expected to be integrated into the all-inclusive system. Kavaloğlu stated, "Frankly, due to competitive conditions, we have filled the all-inclusive system with a lot. Therefore, the new model can create a price advantage. Those who want to effectively use this model in marketing are gradually changing their systems. In the new era, tourists can benefit from a non-alcoholic all-inclusive option."