Akdağmadeni will become the center of nature tourism

Akdağmadeni will become the center of nature tourism

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 27.03.2024 13:06
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 27.03.2024 13:06

The tender for the allocation of the Ak Çam Accommodation Forest Park Area, which will be developed by the Akdağmadeni Municipality to enhance nature tourism and transform the district into a center for nature tourism, has been completed. Mayor Nezih Yalçın stated that they have made significant progress in ecotourism efforts, which will contribute to the development of tourism in Yozgat, initiate many planned investments, and lay the foundations for rural development in the district through various sectors.

Yalçın emphasized that the allocation of approximately 500 acres of forest land in the Keçi Kalesi - Su Oluğu region, where the construction of the 'Ak Çam Accommodation Forest Park' will take place, has been awarded to the Akdağmadeni Municipality through the tender. He said, 'Today, the most crucial part of the project, the allocation of forest land, has been transferred to the Akdağmadeni Municipality through the tender process. We are grateful to have gained the management rights to the area where our project, which will include accommodation areas, restaurants, camping sites, dark sky observation parks, activity areas, walking trails, and facilities for various nature sports activities to be held in both summer and winter, will be constructed.'

He further added, 'Since taking office, we have added value to our district not just with words but with actions. In the future, we will continue to implement our projects, which we have established on solid foundations, one by one, and elevate our district to a different level, making Akdağmadeni a center for nature tourism. I wish this historic and important step to be auspicious for our district.'