Amasra smiles with cruise tourism

Amasra, which has become one of the important stops of cruise tourism, hosted 5,183 foreign tourists in 5 months.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 28.12.2022 20:25
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 28.12.2022 20:25

Amasra, which has become one of the important stops of cruise tourism, hosted 5,183 foreign tourists in 5 months with cruise ships visiting the district.

Amasra district of Bartın, one of the important tourism centers of the Western Black Sea region, hosted a cruise ship for the 9th time. The cruise ship named Astoria Grande, which anchored from Russia and reached the shores of Amasra in the morning after its first stop, Istanbul, approached the port of Amasra with its 413 crew and 270 passengers.

Tourists on the cruise toured many historical buildings in Amasra, such as Amasra Castle, Cenavo Castle, Kemere Bridge, Fatih Mosque, Direkli Kaya, and Bedesten.

Apart from the historical and natural beauties, one of the areas that attracted the most attention of the tourists was the Çekiciler Bazaar. Tourists shopped at the Çekiciler Bazaar, where many different souvenirs created with various techniques such as wood carving and the wire breaking art unique to Bartın are offered for sale.

Agency representative Ahmet Zurnacı said, “Currently, our ship is making its 9th voyage. In it 270 passengers with 413 crew. He made the Istanbul expedition last week. This time he came to the port of Amasra to go to Sochi. After going to the port of Unye from here, he will go to Sochi. Our ship comes to Amasra port almost every week on a regular basis. So far, we have reached a passenger capacity of over 5 thousand in our district. This number will continue to increase in the new year," he said.