Close attention to Kastamonu from Qatar, Bahrain and Oman

Close attention to Kastamonu from Qatar, Bahrain and Oman

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 16.06.2023 16:13
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 16.06.2023 16:13

After Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, social media and press representatives from Qatar, Bahrain and Oman will come to Kastamonu to visit the historical, cultural and natural beauties of the city. Under the auspices of Kastamonu Governorship, under the coordination of Kastamonu Tourism and Infrastructure Service Association (KASTAB), North Anatolian Development Agency (KUZKA), THY Kastamonu Regional Directorate, Kastamonu Special Provincial Administration, Kastamonu Destination Introductory Tours, organized in cooperation with local governments and private sector representatives, continue with social media and press representatives based in Qatar, Bahrain and Oman. Guests from three countries will both get to know and introduce Kastamonu between 15-18 June 2023. Efforts to promote Kastamonu as a cultural and natural wonder tourism destination in international markets continue without interruption. In the third phase of the Kastamonu Destination Promotion Program, which started with Kuwait-based travel agencies on 6-9 June and continued with Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates social media and press representatives on 10-13 June, influencers from Qatar, Bahrain and Oman will have the opportunity to closely examine and experience Kastamonu's high tourism potential elements.

17 social media and press representatives who came to Kastamonu Airport on Thursday morning, June 15, will get to know the natural, cultural and gastronomic elements of Kastamonu destination for 3 days. The introductory program will end on Sunday, June 18. Introductory programs for international markets are planned to continue with alternative markets in September.