Colorful fairy chimneys of Aydın

The colorful fairy chimneys known as "Aydın's Cappadocia", which resemble to a rainbow with their red, brown and gray tones, are waiting to be discovered in the Sultanhisar district of Aydın.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 06.04.2023 17:03
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 06.04.2023 17:03

Having hosted many civilizations in its past, Aydın continues to attract attention with its natural beauties. In the city where nature and history are intertwined, the historical ruins and natural beauties discovered every day also excite many citizens. The hills, which are located in the Ayvaz Değirmeni district of Sultanhisar district and resemble Cappadocia with its appearance of fairy chimneys, are waiting to be discovered.

The colors of the region, which some citizens call "Aydın's Cappadocia" with the image of fairy chimneys, and "Rainbow Hills" with its red, brown and gray tones, enchant those who see it. Colorful hills, dazzling with their colors and waiting to be discovered, also enrich the tourism potential of the region.

Stating that they named it "Suldokia" because they compared the landscape they encountered in the Ayvaz Değirmeni Region on the Historical Kavaklı Road to Cappadocia, nature lover Yücel Sevingül said, "Every part of Aydın is a natural wonder and a new natural wonder is waiting to be discovered. These fairy chimneys should be taken under protection. There are many fairy chimneys in different shapes, with and without hats. At the same time, its colorful appearance, which is like a rainbow, fascinates those who see it.”