Excavations have begun at the ancient city of Idyros

Excavations have begun at the ancient city of Idyros

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 27.02.2024 12:21
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 27.02.2024 12:21

Kemer Mayor Necati Topaloğlu, who inspected the excavation works at the ancient city of Idyros, stated, "Local and foreign visitors should see the location and condition of Idyros and how it has been preserved to this day; this place will greatly contribute to Kemer." Kemer Mayor Necati Topaloğlu expressed that Idyros Ancient City is one of the greatest assets of Kemer, stating, "Excavations have begun at Idyros Ancient City. We are grateful to Minister of Culture and Tourism Mehmet Nuri Ersoy and Antalya Museum Directorate for initiating the excavation works. We are very pleased. Work has been ongoing here for a long time. Idyros Ancient City is one of the most important assets of our district. Our local and foreign guests visiting our district should see the location and condition of Idyros and how it has been preserved to this day. This place will greatly contribute to Kemer."

Archaeologists working at the excavation site mentioned that a 4-year work program has been determined, with 35 people working in the field. They also noted that drilling work is ongoing in the museum area, and mentioned plans to build a Roman bridge between the fishing harbor and the Idyros Ancient City.