Flights from Oman to Rize and Artvin opened

In 2023, there will be two flights a week from Oman to Rize-Artvin Airport.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 10.12.2022 15:19
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 10.12.2022 15:19

It has been reported that Rize and Artvin Airports will operate two flights a week from Oman in 2023. In the statement made by the Rize Governor's Office, it was stated that Rize-Artvin Airport, which was put into service on 14 May, has attracted attention since the day it opened. Emphasizing that the airport, which fills an important gap in the region and stands out with its construction site, technique and architecture, contributes in all areas, the statement said:


"The first regular international flight request by a foreign airline company was made by Salam Air company, which belongs to the country of Oman. The owner and officials of the company visited our city during the summer months, and during their visits, they met with Governor Kemal Ceber, Mayor Rahmi Metin and entrepreneurs from the tourism sector, "This ongoing process has resulted in the realization of the first regular international flight demand. Between 1 July and 5 September 2023, Salam Air Airlines will operate flights to our airport from Muscat, the capital of Oman, 2 days a week."