French Island's Solution to Overtourism: Quotas Implemented

The island of Ile-de-Bréhat, located off the northern coast of France, has introduced a cap of 4,700 visitors per day to combat overtourism. This measure aims to preserve the island's natural environment and ensure a sustainable balance between tourism and local life. The decision reflects the growing need to manage the influx of tourists and mitigate the environmental and social impacts associated with high visitor numbers.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 26.07.2024 13:04
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 26.07.2024 13:04

The island of Ile-de-Bréhat, with a population of 400, has imposed a daily limit of 4,700 visitors, excluding locals, homeowners, and workers, until August 23 to ensure visitors can have a more enjoyable experience.

Island Governor Olivier Carré stated, "We are not preventing people from coming. We are just making sure they have a better time when they do." Carré mentioned that the critical threshold for the island is 5,500 people: "When we exceed this number, everything becomes chaotic. There is no parking at the ferry terminals, no empty seats on the boats, restaurants are overflowing, and the bike paths are packed."

Local business owners are concerned that the quota system might affect their business. However, Carré believes that the impact on the island's economy will be "quite limited."

This summer, many tourist cities are struggling with the issue of overtourism. Cities such as Amsterdam, Paris, Seville, and Venice have previously implemented measures like visitor quotas, increased tourist taxes, or time restrictions. In Barcelona, Spain, locals frustrated by overtourism have even resorted to using water guns to chase away tourists.