German tourism experts will discuss the tourism agenda in Antalya

Allianz Independent Agencies Association (ASR), which represents 3,500 travel agencies and tour operators in Germany, will hold its annual ordinary member meeting at Papillon Hotels in Antalya between 02 - 05 November 2023.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 14.09.2023 12:05
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 14.09.2023 12:05

ASR President Anke Budde and Vice President Winfried Schulze came to Antalya in August for the ASR annual member meeting called "Tourism 360 - Der Branchenkompass für ReiseProfis" and made a detailed and intense study tour together with TEC Partners Funda Taşar and Bennur Çelebi.

After this review, Allianz Independent Agencies Association (ASR) management announced the hotels where the organization will be held. Accordingly, Papillon Hotels' facilities in Belek, Papillon Zeugma Relaxury and Papillon Ayscha, were selected as the accommodation and event hotel for ASR's annual ordinary member meeting.

In their statements about the organization, Funda Taşar and Bennur Çelebi reminded that 200 ASR member travel agencies from Germany, travel agencies that are and are not members of the association, as well as the German tourism press and German Bundestag Deputies will attend the ASR annual member meeting to be held between 02 - 05 November 2023. And they expressed that they were very happy to have the chance to show Antalya to German-origin travel agency owners.

Taşar and Çelebi stated that the issues that determine the agenda of the German travel industry at this event will be the main topic of the Stage speeches to be held on November 3 with MPs and travel agencies from Germany.