Great Interest in Small Homes: 'Tiny House' Trend is on the Rise

Great Interest in Small Homes: 'Tiny House' Trend is on the Rise

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 20.02.2024 16:03
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 20.02.2024 16:03

The intense pace of city life, traffic, and high costs have pushed individuals towards seeking alternative living spaces. One of the outcomes of this search is the growing interest in prefab homes called 'Tiny Houses'.

Recently, there has been an increasing interest in small homes, known as 'Tiny Houses', which are a reflection of simple living and eco-friendly approaches. This trend, based on the idea of comfortable living in limited spaces, has gained popularity among those embracing a minimalist lifestyle.

City stress also contributes to the attraction towards Tiny Houses. The trend of escaping to rural areas, which began with the pandemic, continues. Many individuals, seeking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, have turned to alternative solutions. The stress and rush of urban life have increased the demand for Tiny Houses.

Due to rising housing costs and earthquake risks, non-urban areas are being preferred as living spaces. At this point, Tiny Houses are chosen for their affordability. According to experts, purchasing land and setting up a Tiny House in rural areas surrounding Istanbul costs an average of 1.5 million Turkish Lira.

Van, explaining the cost of land and residency in Çanakkale, stated, "Today, in Çanakkale, you can purchase a zoned land for up to 600,000 TL, and by building a residence with 10% zoning, spending a maximum of 800,000-900,000 TL, you can create a living space for a total of 1.5 million TL. With these prices, you can create such a space by purchasing land of around 500-600 square meters.