Historical caves in Gaziantep and Şanlıurfa contribute to tourism

The caves in Gaziantep and Şanlıurfa are among the popular destinations for both domestic and foreign tourists visiting the region.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 01.12.2023 15:26
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 01.12.2023 15:26

During the defense of Gaziantep, Kaleoğlu Cave in Şekeroğlu Neighborhood, where food and ammunition were stored, is now used as a cafeteria.

In a city where temperatures can reach 40 to 45 degrees Celsius in the summer and drop to 0 degrees in the winter, the temperature inside the cave is measured at 15 degrees.

Mehmet Kaleoğlu, the operator of the cave cafe, told AA reporter that the cave was used as a quarry years ago.

Kaleoğlu stated that they found the cave as debris over time and said:

"We obtained permission and cleaned up the debris here. We removed 650 tractor loads of debris from here. Our wells were full; we cleaned them. Our water is flowing now. There is a natural environment here. Our visitors come here and spend time. When it is 45 degrees outside, the temperature here becomes 15 degrees, and when it is 0 degrees outside, it is still 15 degrees here. People are very happy to spend time here. We also have visitors from abroad."

Visitor Yeşim Güner, mentioning that they came to Gaziantep from Giresun on a tour, said, "It's a historical cave. We came upon recommendation. We heard that the air in the cave is also nice. We are having a good time here. When we go back to Giresun, I will recommend this place to people around me."

Rahman Yıldız, stating that they came to Gaziantep from Istanbul to explore, said, "We wanted to come to the cave cafe with my children. It's our first time in the cave. Gaziantep is already a city of gastronomy and culture. We came here and had our coffee. The atmosphere is very nice. We are very satisfied here. Hopefully, we are thinking of coming again as a family."

Rock tombs are especially beautiful at night

In Şanlıurfa, one of the iconic cities of culture and history tourism, the Twin Cave, located at the Kızılkoyun Necropolis, where caves have been brought into tourism, and considered as the location where Hz. Ibrahim was catapulted, at the foot of Urfa Castle, leaves its visitors in awe.

Acquired by Şanlıurfa Metropolitan Municipality and revealed with the demolition works, a total of 103 rock tombs were unearthed in the area where the cave is located, adding a mystical atmosphere to the city's touristic areas with its lighting system.

Şanlıurfa Regional Tourist Guides Chamber Secretary General Müslüm Çoban, told AA correspondent that the caves in Kızılkoyun Necropolis consist of very beautiful and extraordinary rock tombs carved into the main rock by human hands.

Stating that the houses in the region were expropriated by Şanlıurfa Metropolitan Municipality and the rock tombs were brought into tourism, Çoban said:

"Şanlıurfa truly has a very wide range of tourism. Especially, the presence of these rock tombs in the center of Şanlıurfa gives a beautiful momentum to tourism. Being near Balıklıgöl and having Şanlıurfa Museum next to it creates a beautiful integrity. These caves extend the duration of tourists staying in Şanlıurfa. Especially when touring this area, at least one hour is spent. This place is beautiful during the day, and due to the lighting at night, it has a different beauty. Many people say, 'We didn't expect such a place.' They express both their beautiful thoughts and their excitement."

The Twin Cave became a popular destination for visitors

The Twin Cave, located at the foot of the historical Urfa Castle and transformed into a restaurant, has become one of the preferred places for tourists.

Approximately 21 years ago, the Twin Cave was arranged in its original form by entrepreneur Mehmet Çiftçi and turned into a tourist attraction. It has become an important venue, especially for guests visiting the Balıklıgöl Campus, where they can relieve their fatigue by enjoying mırra (a local drink) and menengiç coffee.

The operator of the cave, Çiftçi, stated that he has been involved in tourism around Balıklıgöl for about 45 years.

Çiftçi, expressing that whenever he looked at the Twin Cave located at the foot of Urfa Castle, he dreamed of turning it into a restaurant and offering it to people, continued:

"My goal was to enable people to experience the old culture of the region through this cave. I wanted people to come and experience the coolness and beauty of this cave. The cave culture has been present in the city since ancient times. Because Prophet Ibrahim was born in a cave, and Prophet Ayub endured hardships in a cave. Ibrahim Tatlıses himself says that he lived in a cave. So, the cave culture is not foreign to us. About 21 years ago, we turned the cave into such a place. Thank God, the demand is increasing. It is demanded because it is cool in the summers and warm in the winter due to being a cave. The guests who come say that they find it very interesting and like it."

Berat Kangül, who came to explore the city from Van with his wife, stated that Şanlıurfa is a city with tremendous historical significance, and especially the caves are very impressive.