Interest in nature tourism is increasing

In Van, nature lovers walked around the 3,200-altitude Norduz Plateau and Çalyan Lake in the Gürpınar district.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 20.06.2023 19:42
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 20.06.2023 19:42

The Valley Nature Sports Club, which operates in the city, organized an event in the region where Norduz Plateau and Çalyan Lake are located, which comes alive with the warming of the air.

67 nature lovers who participated in the event walked and took pictures on the plateau, which fascinates people with its scenery and is adorned with colorful flowers.

Club president Ömer Demez said that they organized an event in the region for the second time.

Stating that Çalyan Lake is a place worth seeing, Demez said, "The lake is at an altitude of 3 thousand. The summit is at an altitude of 3,200. The Faraşin region is right across it. Participants were amazed by the lake and nature. It offers an alternative beauty to Sat Lakes in Hakkari. I recommend everyone to come and see."

Evin Baransel, one of the nature lovers, expressed her admiration for the region and said, "We toured the bowl of the lake. It has a unique beauty. Everyone should come and see it. It would be very nice if the friends who came did not pollute the nature."