Iranian tourists were amazed by Akdamar Island

Iranian tourists were amazed by Akdamar Island

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 30.04.2024 12:47
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 30.04.2024 12:47

As part of an informational program organized by tourism agencies in Van, Iranian tour operators visiting Van were impressed by Akdamar Island. The tourism agencies arranged an informational program to alleviate concerns among Iranian agencies due to recent events during the election process. Iranian agency and tour operator representatives were invited to Van for a 3-day information session where they were introduced to the historical beauties of the city. They visited many historical sites including Van Castle, Van Museum, and Akdamar Island, as well as exploring the city center and hotels.

Tourism operator Ebubekir Zirek, who made a statement about the info, said, "Especially recently, due to the negative events in Van, there has been a decrease in the number of tourists coming to our province, and we have seen that this market share has shifted to other cities. Within this scope, we held our second info session a week apart. In this info session, we brought agents from all cities of Iran here and re-introduced the historical sites, hotels, and beauties of Van. We conducted such a study to show that there is no incident here and that tourism is going very well."

Iranian agency representatives who toured Van for three days expressed their admiration for Akdamar Island, especially mentioning that they were impressed by it the first time they saw it. Iranian agency representatives, who heard the name of Akdamar Island but did not know it was so beautiful, said that necessary efforts would be made for further development of tourism between the two countries."