Kars' new tourism target: 'Caravan tourism'

Kars Tourism Association President Halit Özer stated that Kars and regional tourism is adding new destinations to its route day by day and studies on caravan tourism have started.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 30.03.2023 16:10
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 30.03.2023 16:10

Kars Tourism Association President Halit Özer stated that Kars and regional tourism is adding new destinations to its route day by day.

Özer said that the Kars' plain can host caravan tourism, the infrastructure is suitable and they will bring Kars lovers together with Kars.

Kars Tourism Association President Halit Özer said, “There is a need for new routes and new destinations in many tourism areas that we have successfully concluded from past to present. With the innovations we made in culture, art, gastronomy, winter, highland, faith and many other fields, we increased both the number of routes and the number of accommodation in Kars.”

Özer said, “We have succeeded in taking Kars tourism out of the transit route and extending it to accommodation routes for 1 night, 2 nights, and now 3 and 4 nights, and increasing the number of domestic and foreign tourists from 30 thousand to 300 thousand. This success has been achieved with the intense support and effort of all sector employees and owners, as well as administrative, political and civil authorities."

“Works on caravan tourism have started”

Noting that Kars is one of the most beautiful places to travel by caravan, Özer said, “Our works on caravan tourism have started. We will have meetings with the Governorship of Kars, our Municipality, and the Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism. Kars' plain can also host caravan tourism, and we will bring Kars together with caravan lovers, since the infrastructure is suitable. Those who travel here with their caravan from different parts of the world will help to further promote our region. Our aim is sustainability in Kars tourism and tourism for 12 months”.