Kozluk Mereto honey on the path to obtaining geographical indication

Under the project initiated by Ekrem Güngör, the District Governor of Kozluk, efforts to establish branding continue with the 'Geographical Indication Project for Kozluk Mereto Honey.'

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 29.07.2024 12:28
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 29.07.2024 12:28

Beekeepers working on the southern slopes of Mereto Mountain, which has an altitude of 2973 meters in the district, produce Kozluk Mereto Honey, one of the highest quality honeys in the region, from bees that feed on hundreds of different flowers found here," stated District Governor Ekrem Güngör. "According to our analyses, our honey has the following values: proline 1264 mg/kg, diastase 43.9 ds/dn, pH 3.93, moisture 16.7%, and C4% sugar 0.00. Due to the geographical location where it is produced, the proline value is very high, the enzyme amount is high, and the mineral substance-ash content is low, meeting all the criteria of high-quality honey. Kozluk Mereto Honey, derived from hundreds of flower species, primarily thyme and astragalus, is a healing honey due to its high altitude, distance from residential areas, and clean air. In terms of proline values, it is as valuable as Anzer Honey," he said.

District Governor Güngör noted that Kozluk Mereto Honey, which allows for an annual production of approximately 100 tons, has a unique taste and aroma, holds an important place in quality criteria, and has a low moisture content. "When all these features come together, high-quality Kozluk Mereto Honey emerges. Considering all these characteristics, naturally produced Kozluk Mereto Honey's application for Organic Certification and Geographical Indication has also been made. As the first stage, Kozluk Mereto Honey, which holds the Organic Agriculture Entrepreneur Certificate, will prove to be one of the best and highest quality honeys in the coming years by obtaining Organic Agriculture Certification and geographical registration from the Turkish Patent Institute. In this context, we thank our Governor Ekrem Canalp, our Provincial and District Agriculture and Forestry Directorates, and the Dicle Development Agency for always supporting our Kozluk Mereto Honey project, which is an important source of income for our people and plays a significant role in the promotion and branding of Kozluk, as well as all our other projects," he said.