Nature activity on the Kapıdağ Ecotourism Route

Nature activity on the Kapıdağ Ecotourism Route

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 27.12.2023 12:08
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 27.12.2023 12:08

A nature walk and cycling tour event was organized on the Kapıdağ Peninsula Ecotourism Route by BANBİS (Bandırma Bicycle Group) and BANDAK (Bandırma Mountaineering and Search and Rescue Association), in collaboration with the Balıkesir Regional Directorate of Forestry. Balıkesir Regional Director of Forestry, Kemal Kayıran, also participated in the event. Speaking at the event, Kemal Kayıran, the Regional Director of Forestry for Balıkesir, expressed that the Kapıdağ Peninsula Ecotourism Area, provided by the Balıkesir Forest Regional Directorate, will make a significant contribution to nature tourism in Balıkesir.

"BANBİS" and "BANDAK" members expressed their gratitude to all involved organizations, especially the General Directorate of Forestry, for contributing to bringing the Ecotourism area to Balıkesir. The Kapıdağ Peninsula Ecotourism Route consists of a 10,400-meter hiking trail starting in Tatlısu Village and ending at the historic Kirazlı Monastery, as well as a 9,700-meter cycling trail starting from Kirazlı Monastery and ending in Yukarıyapıcı Village. The route features 1 entrance gate, 1 observation terrace, 1 main resting area, 2 rain shelters, and 27 directional signs, welcoming visitors to explore the area.