Nature tourism activity in Kars, Ardahan and Iğdır

Within the scope of KuzeyDoğa Association's ecotourism trip, nature lovers from different cities of Turkey visited the historical sites of Kars, Iğdır and Ardahan and had the opportunity to get to know its nature and wildlife.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 19.06.2023 16:28
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 19.06.2023 16:28

Nature lovers, who came to the region under the leadership of Professor Çağan Şekercioğlu, a lecturer at Utah and Koç universities in the USA and the President of the Northern Nature Association, toured the historical, touristic and ecological places in the "serhat" provinces.

Şekercioğlu told Anadolu Agency (AA) that these events are important in terms of the development of ecotourism in the region.

Describing the 4-day trip with a team of 25 people, Şekercioğlu said, "We saw Kuyucuk Lake, Aras Bird Sanctuary and the church and lake in Kağızman Çengilli village. As a team, we are now in Sarıkamış, they will see the lynx, wolf and brown bear works on site. We hope to see the brown bear. Keklik Valley ecotourism area was also a surprise for us. There are many beautiful walking paths. Safe observation terraces have been built. We made this magnificent valley and waterfall with my friends."

Explaining that the participants in the trip were Robert College graduates like himself, Şekercioğlu said, “I wanted to make the 30th anniversary trip to Kars, Iğdır and Ardahan this year. I had many friends who wanted to come here over the years. They especially wanted to experience the nature and wildlife of this region and to taste the food of the region."

Hürol Ayaz, one of the nature lovers, stated that they liked Sarıkamış very much and said, "It is a great chance that Sarıkamış's nature is incredibly beautiful and that there is an association that looks after wildlife here, like KuzeyDoğa Association."