Over 615,000 tourists took Cappadocia hot air balloon tours last year

Last year, 615,063 tourists participated in hot air balloon tours in Cappadocia, known for its natural, historical, and cultural richness as a tourism hub in Turkey.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 06.01.2024 12:45
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 06.01.2024 12:45

In 2023, Cappadocia broke all-time records with 4,826,662 visitors exploring museums and historical sites. Despite the demand for hot air balloon tours continuing, with a total of 27,318 commercial flights and 615,063 people experiencing the beauty of Cappadocia from the air. Governor Ali Fidan of Nevşehir stated that 2023 was a successful year for tourism in terms of both local and international visitors. He expressed his hope for a fruitful year in 2024 and thanked the sector employees for their efforts. The region witnessed 218 days of balloon flights in 2023, marking the success of balloon tourism. In 2014, 434,639 tourists participated in hot air balloon tours, increasing to 662,443 in 2022.