Skiing continues in Palandöken during April

The excitement of skiing continues in Erzurum's Palandöken Ski Center, which opens the season at the earliest with its stored snow and artificial snow system.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 11.04.2023 08:15
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 11.04.2023 08:15

Palandöken, which is shown among the important ski centers of Turkey, is one of the centers preferred by ski lovers for their winter holidays. The number of tourists increase every year.

Palandöken, which opened its tracks for ski lovers in December thanks to the artificial snow system and the snow stored in the previous period, continues to host many visitors from Turkey and abroad with its snow quality, safe and long tracks at international standards, accommodation facilites and unique nature views.

The facilities in Palandöken, which have more than one meter of compressed snow, are planned to keep their doors open to ski lovers until the end of April.

In April, when many ski centers are closed, the snow-covered ski tracks of Palandöken become denser.

"Palandöken is having a better season compared to other centers"

Turkish Travel Agencies Association (TÜRSAB) Northeast Anatolia Region President Nuh Şenol told Anadolu Agency (AA) that there are many activities besides skiing in Palandöken.

Stating that the snow level in Palandöken is in good condition despite April, Şenol said, "Although we started the ski season very early, tourism professionals could not get the desired output this season, many reservations were canceled due to the Kahramanmaraş-centered earthquakes on 6 February. This affected the number of tourists in the ski resorts, but Palandöken is having a better season compared to other ski resorts in Turkey."

Şenol stated that compared to ski resorts such as Erciyes, Uludağ and Kartalkaya, more local and foreign guests are hosted in Palandöken.

Noting that many ski resorts were closed in April, Şenol said, "All our facilities are open in April and we guarantee uninterrupted skiing to ski lovers. There is a very experienced team of the Metropolitan Municipality in the management of Palandöken Ski Center. Here, works are carried out to ensure that skiing starts early and ends late, with the snow hiding method. Natural snow is hidden and mixed with artificial snow, therefore, skiing is guaranteed in Palandöken until the end of April."

"We are open until the end of April"

Bora Kanber, general manager of a hotel in Palandöken, emphasized that Palandöken is one of the world's most important ski resorts with its safe tracks, chairlifts and snow quality.

Reminding that heavy snowfall has been effective in the ski resort in recent days, Kanber said, "We have school holidays and Ramadan ahead of us. Our ski tracks are open until the end of April, our hotels continue to operate. Ski lovers are enjoying the snow on the ski tracks. We welcome all domestic and foreign guests who want to ski to Palandöken."

Perihan Elibol, said that she came to Erzurum from Mersin, explained that she came to the city for skiing for the first time and said, "It is very nice to have snow in April. I will experience the ski tracks for the first time. The environment is very nice in Palandöken, it still snows here."

Sevgi Canlı, another ski lover, said that she came to Erzurum from Izmir and said, "It is surprising and very enjoyable to see such a snowy atmosphere in April. Palandöken is very beautiful, the ski tracks are very convenient and safe for skiing. You come to the ski center in 5 minutes from the city center. I would recommend Palandoken to everyone."