Snow exceeded 1 meter in Uludağ

Days before April, the roads in Uludağ are covered with snow

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 30.03.2023 11:05
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 30.03.2023 11:05

Uludag, one of Turkey's most important winter tourism centers, turned white again with heavy snowfall. On the Uludag road, heavy snow covers the roads from the 8th kilometer, while the snow thickness at the summit exceeded 1 meter. Uludağ, one of the most preferred tourism centers by ski lovers, could not get the visitors it wanted this season. While the average snowfall was lower than expected, flaky snow fell in the last days of March. As the hotels closed and the season ended, Uludağ turned white again.

According to the measurements made by Meteorology, the snow thickness in the Hotels Region has exceeded 100 centimeters. Due to heavy snowfall, it is almost impossible to climb Uludağ without chains. While chain sellers were on guard from the 8th kilometer, some citizens on the road either had to turn back or put chains on their tires and continued. Some citizens who want to go to Uludağ with the snowfall said, “Snowfall came very late this season. The desired snowfall did not occur. However, there was a snowfall in the spring season that made us all happy. We had heard that our dams were drying up recently. Now we hope that it will fill up again,” they said. The air temperature in Uludağ will vary between minus 12 and minus 9. It has been learned that a sunny weather will prevail in Uludağ tomorrow, but the temperature will drop to minus 13 degrees.