Special post for the 100th Anniversary of the Republic of Turkey

A special video for the 100th anniversary of the Republic was shared on the social media account of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 29.10.2023 11:44
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 29.10.2023 11:44

The Ministry, which included the video titled "100 years ago today" prepared within the scope of the 29 October Republic Day, on its social media account, shared Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's words, "Gentlemen, tomorrow we will declare the Republic" and added the note "Long live the Republic".

The following expressions were used in the video, which started with images of Atatürk:

"This pride started 100 years ago. The centuries-old plane tree sprouted 100 years ago and settled in the hearts of the nation 100 years ago. It has grown and developed through hundreds of efforts. Hundreds of people died for independence and the future, all that effort was given so that faces in the sky and on earth would smile, and those whose faces you could not bear to look at grew up fearlessly and freely. Every service was given with a smile. The joy of those we made smile was enough for us. Here's to many more 100 years with the confidence of looking face to face and standing shoulder to shoulder. Happy Republic Day."

The footage also included the moments when Minister of Internal Affairs Ali Yerlikaya met with citizens and sections from the operations.