The 2024 Uludağ Winter Exercise took everyone's breath away

The 2024 Uludağ Winter Exercise took everyone's breath away

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 02.03.2024 19:56
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 02.03.2024 19:56

In Uludağ, the center of winter tourism, a joint winter exercise was conducted with the participation of AFAD (Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency), UMKE (National Medical Rescue Team), JAK (Search and Rescue Association), and Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Fire Department teams. According to the scenario, skiers who fell and were at risk of freezing or getting lost in the snow were raced against time and attempted to be evacuated from their location as quickly as possible.

The exercise aimed to search for and locate the fallen and lost skiers, and to transport them to the hospital as soon as possible once found. The exercise, which took place both from the air and on the ground, capturing moments in real-time, depicted breathtaking scenes. According to the scenario, injured citizens trapped in their locations were rescued by snowmobile teams. They were then transported by tracked ambulances to hospitals in Bursa with other waiting ambulances at the 112 points.

The exercise began with an announcement broadcasted to the newsroom. Following the announcement, the teams sprang into action and reached the injured citizen using snowmobiles. In the thrilling exercise, the teams raced against time to rescue the injured individual. A total of 66 personnel from four teams, including the National Medical Rescue Team (UMKE), Gendarmerie Search and Rescue (JAK), Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency Team (AFAD), and Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Fire Department, participated in the exercise. The teams, who had the opportunity to implement their training in the field, successfully completed their tasks.