The April 23rd celebrations kicked off in the sky

In the early hours of the morning, hot air balloons took off in Cappadocia adorned with Turkish flags for the April 23rd National Sovereignty and Children's Day celebrations.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 23.04.2024 14:05
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 23.04.2024 14:05

In Cappadocia, listed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List, hot air balloons, which offer tourists the opportunity to view Cappadocia from a bird's eye view, were prepared for tours before sunrise. Balloons, adorned with Turkish flags and Atatürk posters by officials to commemorate the 104th anniversary of the establishment of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and April 23rd National Sovereignty and Children's Day, took off one after another as the sun rose.

Balloon pilot Ibrahim Dasdeler said, "Just like every year, we will celebrate April 23rd in the sky with Turkish flags. Hopefully, this tradition, which we celebrate with enthusiasm, will continue every year."

Seval Cirakli, who came from Eskisehir for a holiday in Cappadocia, stated, "There is a visual feast. That's why we are very excited. Today being April 23rd is also very important."

Kardelen Cirakli added, "Today is April 23rd, we came to Cappadocia and are watching the balloons. It's a very enthusiastic day for us, and also an exciting day for me. This place is very beautiful. If anyone wants to come, I definitely recommend it."

10-year-old Mahmut Emin Özacar said, "I'm glad they made today. Because we are having fun. My happiest day is April 23rd. I thank Atatürk for giving us this day as a gift."

Teacher Berivan Tilki also stated, "I come from Adana to see Cappadocia. I am also a teacher. It is our duty to raise good generations. Happy National Sovereignty and Children's Day."