The highest thickness of snow measured in Palandöken Ski Center

Among the ski resorts, the highest snow thickness was recorded in Palandöken with 119 centimeters.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 27.03.2023 12:51
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 27.03.2023 12:51

According to the information compiled from the data of the General Directorate of Meteorology, the snow thickness in the ski resorts are;

It was measured 25 centimeters in Ilgaz, 20 centimeters in Sarıkamış, 15 centimeters in Yıldızdağı and Ovacık and 10 centimeters in Hazarbaba, 119 in Palandöken, 100 in Kartalkaya, 75 in Ergan, 66 in Nemrut, 56 in Davraz, 54 in Uludağ, 52 in Erciyes, 36 in Hakkari, 34 in Palandöken 2, Kartepe.

Center 26.03.2023 Lowest Highest

Merkez         26.03.2023   En düşük  En yüksek

Palandöken       KKY            -1          5

Kartalkaya          KKY            -1          7

Ergan                  KY              -2          1

Nemrut              KKY             0          3

Davraz                 PB               3         10

Uludağ               HSY            5           8

Erciyes                ÇB              -2          7

Palandöken      2KKY           -1         5

Hakkari               KY               -3         5

Kartepe               SY               4          9

Ilgaz                     KY              -1          8

Sarıkamış             Y                2          8

(KKY: Sleet with sleet, NR: Snowy, Y: Rainy, PB: Partly cloudy, HSY: Light Downpour , MU. Mostly cloudy, SY. Downpour)