Trabzon is at the top in rural tourism investments!

ARDSI Trabzon Provincial Coordinator Şansal Aydoğdu announced that as ARDSI Trabzon, they are the first in Turkey in rural tourism projects.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 20.04.2023 11:45
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 20.04.2023 11:45

Making statements regarding the Tourism Week, Coordinator Şansal Aydoğdu said, “As ARDSI Trabzon Provincial Coordinatorship, we celebrate the "Tourism Week". We are proud of being the 1st in Turkey in the Rural Tourism category among the 42 provinces where ARDSI operates, with a total of 119 Rural Tourism projects, 91 of which were completed and paid for, and 28 ongoing projects.

The target in Trabzon is 288 Million

ARDSI Provincial Coordinator Sansal Aydoğdu, who also shared the economic value of the projects implemented, said, “With the completion of all our projects, we will have brought a tourism investment of approximately 288 million to Trabzon. We would like to thank all our beneficiaries, especially my colleagues who contributed to the realization of the projects, and all our beneficiaries who believed in our institution and brought these investments to Trabzon, and we welcome everyone who wants to invest in our institution.”