Turkey is cooling, Europe is warming

The spring period, which was cool and rainy under normal conditions in Switzerland, was 1.5 degrees above the average temperatures this year.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 30.05.2023 12:24
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 30.05.2023 12:24

According to the news of SRF television, air temperatures in the south of the country were measured 2 degrees higher than the average in the 1961-1990 period.

The temperatures throughout the country, especially in March, were recorded as about 3 degrees higher than normal. While the temperature measured in Basel on 13 March was reflected on the thermometers as 23.4, it was stated that this was a record.

In the north of the Alps, this year spring is usually cloudy and rainy, while record rainfall has been recorded in central and eastern Switzerland. The average spring temperature across the country was 1.5 degrees above normal.

Meteorologists state that reliable weather forecasts for this summer can be made in late June or early July.

The winter season in Europe was also warmer than normal

Winter in Europe this year was warm with above-normal temperatures.

The temperatures above the seasonal norms had given Europeans an unusual winter experience.

Experts drew attention to the impact of climate change in this unusual weather situation, and warned against the dangers of this situation in the continent, which had a dry summer of 2022.