Turkish and Russian tourists are looking for alternatives

The increase in the number of people choosing Greece for their holidays due to high prices in Turkey has also become a topic of discussion in Russia. Andrey Gavrilov, a member of the Duma Tourism Committee, stated that all sectors dependent on tourism in Turkey are suffering losses due to the tourist flow to Greece, and many Russian tourists are also looking for alternatives to Turkey.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 07.08.2024 11:48
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 07.08.2024 11:48

The Russian Tourism Industry Union (RST) also pointed out that the local population in Turkey, struggling with high costs, prefers Greece for their holidays.

RST Vice President Dmitriy Gorin stated, “Turkish tourists often choose neighboring countries for their vacations. This is not the case for Russian tourists.”

Noting that inflation in Turkey has risen to 80%, Gorin said, “For the local population, vacationing in neighboring countries is more affordable.”

The Russian tourism official also mentioned an increase in the number of tourists coming from Turkey to Russia, and it is expected that the number of Russian tourists visiting Turkey will rise from 6.5 million last year to 7 million this year.