Turkish cuisine is included in the Gault&Millau guide

Turkish cuisine will be included in the Gault & Millau guide, which has a respected and important place in the world food and beverage industry.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 16.01.2023 08:03
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 16.01.2023 08:03

Published in Paris in 1969 by two journalists and food critic Henri Gault and Christian Millau, Gault & Millau stepped into Turkey in cooperation with Sözen Organization.

Incorporating Turkey as the 17th country, Gault & Millau is considered one of the two most well-known and appreciated guides in the field of gastronomy.

The Gault&Millau Guide will start fieldwork in Turkey in 2023 and will be published in 2024!


Believing in the authenticity of each chef's restaurant, Gault & Millau continues to work with independent wine and gastronomy experts to rate restaurants and chefs. Restaurants and chefs evaluated for the guide are given a score between 1 and 20 based on the quality and taste of the food, together with their separate evaluations about service, price and atmosphere of the restaurant by Gault & Millau. High-rated restaurants earn between 1 and 4 hats from Gault&Millau's signature hats, depending on the degree of their scores.

Expressing that they are very excited about Gault&Millau, which has taken its place in the Turkish market with the cooperation of Sözen Organization, Gökmen Sözen said that the initiative of these two important brands, a bridge between the global gastronomy industry and Turkey, and the high potential of Turkish cuisine has also attracted intense interest from international gastronomy experts. After Michelin Guide, Turkey guide will not be published in Gault & Millau.

Patrick Hayoun, CEO of Gault & Millau, said, "Our aim is to impose something, not to create rules," said their aim is to encourage new thinking. Sözen said, "We are bringing Turkey to the center of world gastronomy with international events such as Gastromasa through the Sözen Organization*.


Patrick Hayoun, CEO of Gault & Millau, said: "Gault & Millau continues to encourage young talent, creativity, curiosity above all else, and remains impartial, independent and objective. We bring out tomorrow's talent. Our restaurant selection is a complete culinary experience with atmosphere. Our aim is not to impose a Gault Millau thing, to create rules, but to encourage a new way of thinking and highlight those who truly deserve it. Our 'milisime' guide, which will be published in 2024, will be published in Turkish and English, and 300 selected from 500 restaurants that our local inspectors will visit will be included in this guide. First of all, we will evaluate the Marmara, Aegean, Mediterranean and Southeast regions." Pointing out that Turkey will be the 17th country in the guide, Hayoun emphasized that Turkish inspectors who are trained in Turkey and who have a good command of the food culture will evaluate.


Speaking at the meeting, T.C. Özgül Özkan Yavuz, Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism, said, "We are extremely pleased to share the information that Turkish cuisine will be included in the Gault & Millau guide, which has a respected and important place in the world food and beverage industry. Our rich food culture, with the increase in the number and quality of chef restaurants, is now competing with the leading countries in the field of gastronomy. We have come to a level that will compete. We can now easily use the title of a Gastro City for Istanbul," he said.

Source: Yeni Şafak