Tuz Gölü is becoming a center for health tourism

Tuz Gölü is becoming a center for health tourism

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 22.06.2024 11:16
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 22.06.2024 11:16

Tuz Gölü, which meets 60% of Turkey's salt needs and holds the title of the country's second-largest lake, is also becoming a center for health tourism. Tuz Gölü, located at the junction of the provinces of Aksaray, Ankara, and Konya, opens its doors to health tourism with the warming weather. The lake, which meets 60% of Turkey's salt needs with a harvest of 2 million tons of salt, continues to attract both domestic and foreign tourists. Visitors walking barefoot in Tuz Gölü do so either to pursue a nature hobby or to find healing in the salty waters. In recent years, Tuz Gölü has been frequently visited under the name of walking tourism and is known to be beneficial against conditions such as athlete's foot, foot odor, and eczema. Especially with the warming weather, hundreds of local and foreign tourists visit Tuz Gölü every day to enjoy its unique scenery and to walk barefoot in the salt water, believed to be healing. Visitors of all ages, from 7 to 70, come to Tuz Gölü, which also offers a unique visual experience with its stunning landscape. While young children play in the salty water, families take photos at Tuz Gölü.

Oktay Gök (53), an expatriate who came to his hometown of Kırıkkale from Belgium for a holiday, said he became interested in Tuz Gölü after researching it. Gök stated, "I came from Belgium to spend the holiday. We decided to visit Tuz Gölü today for a trip. I came here specifically from Kırıkkale. I heard the water is very nice and healthy. I was pleased to hear about the migratory birds and flamingos. It's also great that this place meets the country's salt needs."

Tolga Aksoy, who lives near Tuz Gölü, said, "We came here because we are locals and we are exploring. We recommend this place to everyone. The lake is not only beautiful but also has healing waters that are good for foot ailments."