Uzbekistan expects to welcome 1.4 million tourists from Russia

Uzbekistan aims to double the influx of tourists from Russia in 2024.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 03.02.2024 14:33
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 03.02.2024 14:33

According to the decree presented to RIA Novosti by the country's President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the tourist flow from Russia to Uzbekistan in 2024 may double, reaching 1.46 million people. Official statistics show that the number of Russian citizens visiting Uzbekistan for tourism purposes in 2023 increased by 25.8% compared to the previous year, reaching 714.2 thousand people. The decree approves forecast indicators aimed at attracting foreign tourists up to 9.96 million people in 2024 (1.5 times compared to 2023). In particular, an influx of 1.46 million tourists from Russia is planned for this year, effectively doubling the number of visitors from our country. According to the document, a program of measures to attract tourists from the Russian Federation to the republic has also been approved. This includes the implementation of the "Uzbekistan Tourism Year in Russia" program, the conduct of "Travel to Uzbekistan" promotional campaigns in major Russian cities, and the implementation of a transportation discount system for tour operators. Previously, the Tourism Committee of Uzbekistan estimated that the growth in tourist arrivals from the Russian Federation would reach approximately 800 thousand in 2023 and one million by 2025. According to the Ministry, Russia is a strategic tourism partner for the republic, with the influx of Russian tourists traditionally being 1.5-2 times higher than guests from non-CIS countries. At the same time, Russian tourists rank fourth in terms of visits to the republic, following neighboring countries - Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan.