Warning before tourism season: 'Do not touch the carettas'

DEKAMER Director, Professor Doctor Yakup Kaska, said that caretta carettas should not be touched before the upcoming tourism season, and this creates stress for them.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 16.04.2023 12:40
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 16.04.2023 12:40

Ortaca's Iztuzu Beach, which is shown as one of the best beaches in Europe, is home to caretta carettas, which are in danger of extinction. Director of the Sea Turtles Research Rescue and Rehabilitation Center, Professor Doctor Yakup Kaska, warned about sea turtles before the tourism season in Muğla, where approximately 3 million domestic and foreign tourists are hosted annually.

DEKAMER Director, Professor Doctor Kaska, said: "Non-experts should avoid interfering with wild animals. Feeding these animals causes changes in their behavior and causes them to be harmed. No wild animals, including sea turtles, should be touched or fed."

Kaska warned that "When turtles are seen in the sea, their glides under the water should be watched from afar".