Zeugma Mosaic Museum breaks visitor record in 2022

Zeugma Mosaic Museum is one of the most visited places by local and foreign visitors in Gaziantep.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 22.01.2023 14:32
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 22.01.2023 14:32
Photo: Erkan Tabakoğlu

The museum, which also has the "Presidential Culture and Art Grand Prize", exhibits the "Gypsy Girl" mosaic, the "Mars statue", the Roman fountains and the unique mosaics unearthed during the salvage excavations in the villas by the Euphrates River.

Zeugma Mosaic Museum was founded in 2011 with 71 thousand 323, in 2012 169 thousand 38, in 2013 179 thousand 297, in 2014 206 thousand 684, in 2015 178 thousand 995, in 2016 108 thousand 835, in 2017 It hosted 169 thousand 773, 267 thousand 552 in 2018, 340 thousand 569 in 2019, 87 thousand 642 in 2020, 242 thousand 145 in 2021 and 439 thousand last year.

"It was the highest figure since its establishment"

Gaziantep Museum Director Özgür Çomak told Anadolu Agency (AA) that they spent the year 2022 to the fullest.

Pointing out that the interest in Zeugma Mosaic Museum is increasing, both from home and abroad, Çomak said, "As of the end of 2022, 439 thousand people visited our Zeugma Mosaic Museum. This was also the highest number since its establishment. In 2021, the tourism season opened after June. Kovid "There were closures due to the 19th century. After this period, we started to host a large number of visitors. We aim to exceed 600 thousand in 2023." he said.

"Gypsy Girl" mosaic / Photo: Erkan Tabakoğlu

Night museum will continue this year

Çomak reminded that the museum serves until 22:00 with a special permission from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism during the hot summer months.

Stating that this practice had a positive effect on the number of visitors, Çomak noted that the night museum, which was implemented for approximately 2.5 months, will continue this year as well.


              Photos: Erkan Tabakoğlu