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Anamur-Cyprus voyages are starting

Anamur-Cyprus voyages are starting

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 16.03.2024 14:38
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 16.03.2024 14:38
Kaynak: İHA
Anamur-Cyprus voyages are starting

Mehmet Tuna, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Anamur Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ANTSO), announced that their requests for the operation of the Anamur Ferry and Seaplane Pier have been accepted. Tuna stated that they have started working on Cyprus-Anamur voyages and said that the voyages would commence within about two months.

Tuna emphasized that they have been working intensively to implement projects that will add value to Anamur. He mentioned that they have saved the Anamur Pier, completed in 2019 but not operational until now, from decay. In his remarks on the matter, Tuna stated, "With the high support and approvals of our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the Anamur Ferry and Seaplane Pier, which was built by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, General Directorate of Infrastructure Investments in 2019 and has been idle until today, has been successfully taken over by our chamber one month after taking office and our initiatives, which we have been carrying out for 15 months. As a result of the coordinated efforts we made with Mersin Governor Ali Hamza Pehlivan and Anamur District Governor Bilal Bozdemir, the Anamur Ferry and Seaplane Pier, which was transferred to the Mersin Governorship and the Presidency of Investment Monitoring and Coordination for the activation of the tourism, agriculture, and trade potential of our region, has been leased to our company for an initial period of 10 years, and we have obtained the operating rights."

Efforts have begun for voyages to Cyprus

President Tuna, who announced that the voyages to Cyprus would commence within approximately two months, stated, "Regarding the operation of the Anamur Ferry and Seaplane Pier; after making investments such as arranging the necessary facilities for passenger arrivals and departures, establishing customs and duty-free areas, constructing passenger waiting and resting areas, and arranging the facilities according to the layout plan for safe docking of all types of vehicles, our voyages to Cyprus will begin in about 2 months. Furthermore, we plan to initiate voyages to other Mediterranean countries in terms of trade and tourism. Thus, the aim is to create an attraction center. Let it be a good omen for our districts of Anamur and Bozyazı and our region."

The aim is to activate the tourism, trade, and agriculture potential of the region

Drawing attention to their initiatives to activate the tourism, agriculture, and trade potential of the region, Tuna said, "We have initiated efforts to activate and open up the dormant tourism, agriculture, and trade potential of our region to the world. We wholeheartedly believe that this initiative will greatly contribute to the development of our region, thanks to the efforts of our citizens and members who operate in the agriculture, tourism, and trade sectors, providing high added value, as well as the financial and moral contributions of our partners and the support of our government."

Expressing his hope for the prosperous operation of the Anamur Ferry and Seaplane Pier, which he described as the gateway of the region to the world, Tuna stated, "As the Anamur Chamber of Commerce and Industry, we will continue our services with the strength and support we receive from our people and members."

Tuna also mentioned that with the approval of the Ministry of Trade, the 10% share of the company established under the name of Anamur Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the participation of Yücelen Education, Culture, and Health Foundation and businessmen from Anamur belongs to the chamber. He said, "The entire capital commitment of 2 million TL, which has been pledged to the company account, has been deposited into our account by the partners as a donation and transferred to the account of our company."

Kaynak: İHA

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