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"Bird Hotel" species increased to 253 with the imperial eagle

The number of species in the "Bird Hotel" Herzegovina Lagoon increased to 253 with the imperial eagle.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 28.04.2023 13:12
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 28.04.2023 13:50
Kaynak: Haber Merkezi
"Bird Hotel" species  increased to 253 with the imperial eagle

The number of bird species has increased to 253 with the last sighting of the imperial eagle in the Herzegovina Lagoon, which is a frequent destination for migratory and water birds and also called the "Bird Hotel". There is an increase in the number of species and birds in the Herzegovina Lagoon, which has been declared wetland to be protected by the presidential decision.

The number of bird species reached 253 with the imperial eagle, which was recently observed in the lagoon in the Altınova district of Yalova. Altınova Mayor Metin Oral said that this lagoon is a point of pride. Explaining that the nature paradise Hersek Lagoon is a "Bird Hotel", Mayor Oral said, "Our migratory birds come here, stay, eat, drink, and then continue on their way. Some stay for a short time, while others stay for a long time. They rest here without paying a fee and continue on their way. Therefore, we named it the 'Bird Hotel'. I think they are satisfied with the service here, because the number of bird species are increasing day by day. The number of species increases by 2-3 every year. We would like to thank the bird watchers who supported us here, and Fatih Bey. We are trying to maintain the natural environment here together with DKMP and the General Directorate of Forestry and our Ministry.”

Thanking President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for putting the lagoon under special protection, Oral said, “This place is now under serious protection and has become an area where our birds can comfortably come, stay and rest. We try to do whatever we can for their comfort."

Altınova Municipality Bird Watcher Fatih Bülbül talked about the latest bird observations: “Here, the number of birds is increasing both in total and as a species. There were approximately 250 species. This number was the same for about 4-5 months. With the migratory season, when the summer bird species began to arrive, we saw tawny flycatchers here. Authorities even recorded it. Also, on the first day, the pacific prickly bird was identified, one of the birds that the authorities found and we followed. It is a rare species in Turkey. That made 252. Last week, we saw our 253rd species, the imperial eagle. The imperial eagle is an important predator. It's an endangered bird. The imperial eagle is also called the imperial eagle. The reason for this is its cloak-like stance due to the white spots on its shoulder. That's why it is also called the emperor eagle in our country.”

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