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Healing center thermal facilities overflowed in 2022

Healing center thermal facilities overflowed in 2022

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 11.12.2022 10:25
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 11.12.2022 10:25
Kaynak: İHA
Healing center thermal facilities overflowed in 2022

Yalova Thermal Springs, which has been a healing center with its hot spring waters from the Byzantine, Roman and Ottoman periods until today, continues to attract local and foreign tourists to the region. The year 2022 made tourism professionals happy in Termal district, where the number of tourists is increasing day by day with new investments.
The thermal tourism operators in Yalova, who had problems in recent years due to the pandemic, laughed with the increase in the number of domestic and foreign tourists coming to the region in 2022. While in the past, only Arab tourists from the Middle East were interested in Termal, the number of tourists from Europe and Russia increased with the promotional activities carried out in recent years. Ümit Yılmaz, Deputy Director of Yalova Thermal Spas Enterprise of the Ministry of Health, stated that they spent the year 2022 productively. Explaining that they hosted 40 thousand tourists in 2022, Yılmaz said, “Our domestic guests preferred us 65 percent. Our guests from Russia, Turkic republics and the Middle East were with us again. We have natural spring water here. They take advantage of our hot spring waters. They benefit from the air of climatology, oxygen sports facilities. There is also an increase in our guests from Europe. They come from Central European countries," he said.


"Relations have improved, the number of Middle Eastern tourists has increased"
Çağrı Kaya, General Manager of Black Bird Thermal and Spa Hotel, one of the tourism facilities in Termal district, said that the number of guests from nearby regions such as Istanbul, Kocaeli and Bursa increased in 2022. Referring to the increase in Arab tourists, Kaya said, "Compared to the previous year, the Middle East population has reached a good point with the improvement of interstate relations."

Thermal, the new route of European tourists
Stating that they aim to take new steps in health tourism with new investment targets for 2023, Kaya said, "2022 has been a year in which we have increased the occupancy rates and service quality. In the 80's, the thermal district was a point discovered by the grandfathers and fathers of the Middle Eastern tourists. We started to host our European guests more intensely in the marketing works we have done as other tourism facilities in our vicinity.”

Russians started to arrive in winter too
Adding that Russian culture is a developed country in terms of physiotherapy and thermal water, Kaya said:
“Our guests, who previously preferred us in the summer months, have now started to visit us in the winter to find healing from thermal water and to relax in the thermal water. As a Russian guest, we have come to a comfortable level where we will spend 7-8 nights on average every week. By the way, our Russian guests have really experienced using the cures in thermal waters.”

Kaynak: İHA

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