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Interest from Europeans in Antalya's underwater beauties

Europeans are more interested in the underwater beauties of Antalya.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 19.10.2023 14:42
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 19.10.2023 14:42
Kaynak: İHA
Interest from Europeans in Antalya's underwater beauties

In recent years, the tourism city of Antalya has stood out with its underwater beauties as well as sea, sand and sun. European tourists showed more interest in diving tourism in Antalya. Stating that 2023 has been a productive year, Antalya Underwater Association President Semih Başaran said, “There is more interest from tourists from Germany and England. "There were also people who came from India periodically." The point where the cliffs in Antalya's historical Kaleiçi region meet the sea continues to attract diving enthusiasts not only with its on-land beauties but also with its undersea riches. Kaleiçi has become an exciting diving destination in recent years for those interested in sea sports and looking for underwater adventure. The turquoise blue waters contain many different species of fish, colorful coral reefs and interesting undersea features such as the ruins of ancient city walls. Diving spots have different depth levels suitable for both beginners and experienced divers.

“There has been a decrease in Russian tourists this year”

The most interest in the underwater beauties in Antalya, a tourism city that hosts millions of guests from all over the world every year, came from European tourists. Stating that 2023 has been a good year for the diving industry, Antalya Underwater Association President Semih Başaran said, “The interest of tourists was more than last year. There were also times when it fell periodically. We saw that there was especially high interest from European tourists. There were also people coming from India. This year, there was a decrease in Russian tourists. There is a lot of underwater life in the Kaleiçi region. “We see a lot of fish of different varieties, especially schools of sea bass and mullet.”

“There is more interest from tourists from Germany and England”

Pointing out that the living population in Kaleiçi and the cliff area is quite high, Başaran said, “As a result of global warming, we started to see a lot of invasive species. The number of these is increasing every year, this year we saw a lot of balloon and lion fish. There was more interest from tourists from Europe, Germany and England. “We see that young people come more frequently.”

“We especially come across plastic bottles very frequently.”

Addressing the citizens to prevent underwater pollution, Başaran said, “We have many duties. In order for these beauties to continue, we need to keep our seas clean. We especially come across plastic bottles very often. We see that more and more people come to our region every year to dive. People who apply to us can make their first dive after a 2-hour training. These are promotional dives, our tourists become our tourism ambassadors by doing underwater imaging.”

Kaynak: İHA

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