Hava Durumu

Kuşadası Hotel Restaurant Equipment and Outside Consumption Fair

Kuşadası is hosting the Hotel Restaurant Equipment and Outside Consumption Fair once again.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 23.03.2023 13:44
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 23.03.2023 14:47
Kaynak: Haber Merkezi
Kuşadası Hotel Restaurant Equipment and Outside Consumption Fair


Kuşadası Hotel Restaurant Equipment and Outside Consumption Fair started in a shopping mall. More than 120 companies from all over Turkey took part in the fair, which the Kusadasi Chamber of Commerce management collectively participated and supported.

The official opening of the fair, which was re-organized in Kuşadası after a long break, was followed by the opening speeches of Kuşadası Governor Sadettin Yücel, Mayor Ömer Günel, Kuşadası Chamber of Commerce President Serdar Akdoğan, KODER President Tacettin Özden and Kuşadası Professional Chefs Association President Aydın Sürer. After the opening speeches, plaques were presented to the sponsors and a collective ribbon cutting took place.

Kuşadası Chamber of Commerce Chairman of the Board Serdar Akdoğan, Chairman of the Assembly Bülent İlbahar, Vice Chairman of the Board Seydi Yıkılmaz, Board Members Namık Kemal Daylan, Hibeti Zeytin, Erdem Dikkaya, Murat Boranalp, KUTO Council members Sercan Çalışkan, Aybars Sarıdedeoğlu, Ekrem Seven, Tülay Önbul, committee members Nihat Özhan, İsmet Türker and Young Entrepreneurs Board Vice President Edip Sayıalioğlu attended the first day of Kuşadası Hotel Restaurant Equipment and Outside Consumption Fair, with a panel themed 'The Past, Present and Future of Kuşadası Tourism'.

Within the framework of the fair, a panel on 'The Past, Present and Tomorrow of Kusadasi Tourism' was held. Kuşadası Chamber of Commerce Chairman of the Board Serdar Akdoğan, KODER President Tacettin Özden and TURSAB Aydın Regional Representative Board Member of the Board Murat Yaman participated as panelists and the panel was moderated by ATRO President Ozan Sayın.

In his speech, KODER President Tacettin Özden said that tourism is the biggest foreign exchange source in our country, "We are in a very special place as a country, we are at a competitive point. There are countries that see tourism as a very important source of income. Turkey is in the top five, we have to work very well by seeing the conditions of competition in order to enter the top three, tourism is indispensable for our country, we have a lot of work to do."

Kusadasi Chamber of Commerce Chairman Serdar Akdogan started his speech at the panel by thanking the organizer company and everyone who contributed to the successful fair organization. Saying that Kuşadası was a small place when tourism first started, Akdoğan continued his speech with the following words: "At the same time, many institutions are in the region. Therefore, the parking problem in the center is a big problem."

Akdogan; At the same time, drawing attention to environmental problems and climate, he said, "Climate and environmental problems are very important in tourism. For this, long-term planning is required. Kuşadası is in a good condition compared to its first years, but it is necessary to plan for the future now."

Expressing that Kuşadası is geographically in a lucky spot compared to many regions, Akdoğan said, "We are at a point where close to 30 million people from the immediate surroundings such as İzmir, Aydın, Denizli and Balıkesir can reach by car in 1.5-2 hours. This was our biggest chance during the pandemic period. Of course, we lost, but we suffered less with the movement in the domestic market."

Murat Yaman, Member of the Board of Directors of TURSAB Aydın Regional Representation Board, said in his speech, "We are rapidly adapting to the developing technology at the marketing point, both as a country and as Kuşadası" and that he is hopeful for tourism, "If the general trend in the world allows, our country will also make much more profit from tourism in Kuşadası."

Chairman of Aydın Tourist Guides Chamber, Ozan Sayın, who is also the moderator of the panel, stated that the number of guides has increased and said, "Tourism is diversifying. Tour requests have also changed. The tourism movement of people continues rapidly. Kuşadası's future in tourism is very bright."

Hotel Restaurant Equipment and Outside Consumption Fair where Kuşadası Chamber of Commerce takes place with its stand, can be visited until 23 March.

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