Hava Durumu

Mobilization for "zero loss in water"

By 2100, it is aimed to reduce the rate of water loss in drinking water systems to 10 percent, to increase the efficiency rate of agricultural irrigation systems to 75 percent, to use water in industry at least 50 percent more efficiently, and to reduce per capita water consumption to 75 liters per day.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 24.03.2023 13:16
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 24.03.2023 13:16
Kaynak: Haber Merkezi
Mobilization for "zero loss in water"

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, which carries out activities in almost every field of life within the scope of water mobilization, launched the "" website, which it prepared to raise awareness.

According to the statement made by the Ministry on the occasion of the World Water Day, the mobilization initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, which prepared an action plan against the threat of drought, with the slogan "Zero Loss in Water" is spreading.

Many units, especially the General Directorate of Water Management, DSI and the General Directorate of Agricultural Reform, are working against drought. With the Turkey Agricultural Drought Combat Strategy and Action Plan for the Period 2023-2027, it is aimed to increase public awareness about agricultural drought, to plan sustainable agricultural water use, to take necessary measures in periods when there is no drought, and to minimize the effects of drought by implementing an effective combat program in times of crisis.

In order to encourage the sustainable use of resources by creating a culture of water efficiency throughout the society, events have been held since January 31, 2023, with the National Water Efficiency Mobilization, which was initiated with the principle of "Zero Loss in Water", under the auspices of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's wife, Emine Erdoğan.

Within the scope of the mobilization, studies are carried out for the efficient and sustainable use of water in all sectors, especially in agriculture and industry, where consumption is high, as well as drinking-utilized water. With the activities, it is aimed to make water efficiency a lifestyle and to create a water efficiency culture with the responsible and relevant stakeholders in water management.

With the awareness of "zero loss in water" without water stress and without reducing the living standards, studies are carried out for all institutions/organizations, farmers, industrialists, children, in short, every citizen to use water efficiently. In this context, 165 guide documents prepared for drinking-utility water, agriculture and industry sectors are delivered to the interested parties.

On the other hand, the website, which was prepared to raise awareness about water efficiency mobilization, was put into service. Activities carried out within the scope of the mobilization, documents prepared and other information can be accessed on the website.

Strategy and action plans

"Water Efficiency Strategy Document and Action Plan within the Framework of Adaptation to Changing Climate" was also prepared by the General Directorate of Water Management.

Within the scope of the plan, it is aimed to reduce the rate of water loss in drinking water systems to 10 percent by 2100, to increase the efficiency rate of agricultural irrigation systems to 75 percent, to use water in industry at least 50 percent more efficiently, and to reduce per capita water consumption to 75 liters per day. The document, approved by the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Vahit Kirişci, is expected to be published as a Presidential circular.

The "Water Efficiency in Buildings Target and Implementation Guide" has also been prepared for practices that citizens can adopt in their homes and workplaces.

Within the scope of the "System Installation Instruction" published on the subject, 7 steps were created under the headings of establishing water efficiency units, determining the current situation, planning, determining and supplying needs, training and awareness raising, implementation and reporting in order to disseminate water efficiency practices. With the prepared documents, it is planned to implement three important strategies: "reduce, reuse and replace".

The use of alternative water resources

It is aimed to improve the existing legal and technical infrastructure for the adoption of practices that allow the use of alternative resources such as rainwater harvesting for water efficiency, gray water systems, reuse of used water and seawater after proper treatment.

Studies are also carried out within the scope of adaptation to climate change in water resources. In order to increase resilience to climate change, cost-benefit and feasibility analysis studies are carried out regarding adaptation activities such as water pricing, use of gray water and rainwater harvesting, and training is provided to metropolitan municipalities on the subject.

Drought management plans are being prepared in order to minimize the negative effects of possible drought risks, to ensure sustainability in water and food supply, and to be prepared for droughts.

In this context, drought analyzes are carried out at the basin scale and the effects of drought on agriculture, drinking water, industry, ecosystem and tourism sectors are determined in line with current and future water potential.

In order to be prepared for possible drought situations, measures such as planting resistant plants, modernizing irrigation systems, evaluating alternative water resources, and increasing irrigation efficiency are determined. These plans, which continue to work in 15 basins, are expected to be completed in all basins by the end of 2023.

Sectoral water allocation plans

"Sectoral Water Allocation Plans" are being prepared based on the principle of "agriculture according to water", which includes measures to ensure the supply-demand balance of water resources at the basin scale simultaneously and to minimize the negative effects of climate change on the agricultural sector that demands the most water.

In the plans, measures such as crop pattern and irrigation timing are determined in agriculture, which is the most fragile sector, taking into account the decrease in water potential. Thus, it is aimed both to ensure food security and to maximize the economic gain of farmers.

Action has also been taken to establish a "National Water Board", which will carry out the activities of establishing, monitoring and developing short and long-term policies, plans and strategies for water supply, based on the water-food-energy-ecosystem relationship.

A "Draft Water Law" was prepared for the sustainable protection, use, improvement and development of water resources that can meet Turkey's needs.

DSI develops measures against the danger of drought by activating drinking water, irrigation and industrial water projects.

"Efficient use of water is a national and global issue"

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Vahit Kirişci, stated that climate change brought on by global warming threatens the water issue the most.

Emphasizing that the efficient use of water is not an institutional issue, but a national and global issue, Kirişci said:

"The protection of fresh water resources and the efficient and sustainable use of water resources are of vital importance. We can eliminate the negative impact on water resources due to the changing climate with efficiency practices. We do not tolerate the waste of even a single drop of our country's water resources. Preventing water waste is only possible with a total mobilization. This spirit of mobilization should spread throughout the country, without being subject to institutional, regional, cultural and sectoral limitations."

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