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New Year's tourism in Antalya

This year, with New Year's coinciding with the weekend and offering a 3-day holiday opportunity, the occupancy rate in open hotels in Antalya has surpassed 80 percent. In hotels preparing for Christmas for European and Russian tourists, special programs for the New Year have been organized with glittering and colorful decorations.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 18.12.2023 16:59
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 18.12.2023 16:59
Kaynak: En Son Haber
New Year's tourism in Antalya

As the year 2023 comes to an end and we welcome 2024, there has been significant demand for the New Year, especially in the Antalya region, from both Europe and Russia.

With New Year's coinciding with the Christmas celebrations of European Catholic Christians on December 24 and those of Orthodox Christians from Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) on January 6, many open hotels have seen occupancy rates rise to 80-90 percent.

New Year's Eve intensity in Antalya hotels

In hotels hosting concerts by artists, occupancy rates have approached 100 percent due to domestic market demand.

Hakan Saatçioğlu, President of the Professional Hotel Managers Association (POYD), stated that tourism has been recovering more positively each year since the pandemic in 2020 and that end-of-year occupancy rates are high, similar to last year.

"Especially from December 15 to January 15, there is a significant intensity"

Saatçioğlu also mentioned that New Year's Eve reservations are going well, saying, 'We are receiving significant reservations, especially from Russia and the Balkans. We had significant reservations last year as well. We have made our preparations, and alongside Europeans, we have also seen a significant increase from the United Kingdom. There is a significant intensity, especially from December 15 to January 15. Many hotels in our region are closed, and a small number of hotels are open. Currently, our tourists coming from abroad are filling them sufficiently.'

"Hotels organizing artistic events in Antalya are currently fully booked"

Hakan Saatçioğlu explained that decorations have been prepared to celebrate the Christmas and New Year process for foreign guests in environments similar to those in their home countries. He stated, "We are coloring and illuminating our hotels. In the cold winter months, with New Year's decorations, we are trying to make our foreign guests experience New Year's as if they were in their own countries. Domestic tourism is slow. We have very few domestic guests. There is a concentration in hotels that organize artistic events. Hotels organizing artistic events in Antalya are currently fully booked."

Special programs for the New Year: Numerous famous artists will perform

On the other hand, special programs for the New Year have been prepared with concerts by many famous artists such as Tarkan, Ajda Pekkan, Ebru Gündeş, Sibel Can, Özcan Deniz, Sıla, Melek Mosso, Volkan Konak, Deniz Seki, Simge Sağın, Merve Özbey, Cengiz Kurtoğlu, especially in KTTC and Antalya, as well as in Istanbul, the Aegean coast, ski resorts, and thermal facilities.

According to data from tour operators, there is an increase of nearly 55% in reservations for this New Year's holiday compared to the previous year.

Some hotels have reached full capacity

It has been announced that the occupancy rate in many hotels, especially those organizing artistic programs, has reached 100%, and an increase in activity is expected in ski resorts due to snowfall.

Those who want to spend New Year's abroad are showing interest in destinations that can be visited without a visa, such as Serbia and Kosovo, mostly due to visa issues.

Kaynak: En Son Haber

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