Hava Durumu

Reservations increase in hotels in Konya ahead of Şeb-i Arus ceremonies

Murat Peksomlu, Deputy President of the Konya Hoteliers Association, stated, "We have made the necessary preparations. We are ready to welcome our guests. There is a significant demand for hotels from many countries around the world for this week. The same demand continues this year as well."

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 04.12.2023 15:57
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 04.12.2023 15:57
Kaynak: AA
Reservations increase in hotels in Konya ahead of Şeb-i Arus ceremonies

In anticipation of the ceremonies commemorating the 750th anniversary of the passing of the intellectual and Sufi scholar Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi, thousands of tourists from both domestic and international locations are making reservations in hotels days before the events.

In Konya, preparations for the 'Commemoration Ceremonies of the 750th Anniversary of Hazrat Mevlana' to be held from December 7th to 17th, as it is every year, have been completed.

As part of the 'Şeb-i Arus' events organized in conjunction with the 750th Commemoration of Mevlana Jalaleddin-i Rumi, one of the greatest Sufi scholars in Turkish and Islamic history, Konya will host a significant number of domestic and foreign tourists.

Business owners, especially hoteliers, are ready to host visitors attending Şeb-i Arus, one of the significant events in Turkey. Thousands of tourists planning to participate in the ceremonies from both domestic and international locations have already made reservations in hotels days before the events.

Murat Peksomlu, Deputy President of the Konya Hoteliers Association, expressed their excitement for the "Şeb-i Arus" events this year, as they do every year. Emphasizing the significance of the ceremonies for the city, Peksomlu stated, "We have made the necessary preparations. We are ready to welcome our guests. There is a significant demand for hotels from many countries around the world for this week. The same demand continues this year as well."

There is a misconception about hotel prices rising significantly."

Peksomlu explained that they particularly face a significant demand on weekends. Expressing hope that Konya's hotels will easily meet this demand, Peksomlu stated, "We welcome both domestic and foreign tourists to our city. There is a misconception that hotel prices will rise significantly during Şeb-i Arus Week. Demand is very high, especially on weekends, but this does not lead to exorbitant price increases. Visitors have the chance to stay at large hotels around Mevlana or in the city center at normal prices during weekdays."

Peksomlu mentioned that, within the scope of the ceremonies, Konya Metropolitan Municipality, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism have carried out significant efforts. He highlighted the urban transformations around Mevlana, stating that they have added substantial value to the city.

"As Konya, our transportation is very good."

Regarding the ceremonies, Peksomlu noted that they collaborate with various institutions every year. He stated, "We need to conduct better analyses related to the incoming tourists. For Şeb-i Arus ceremonies, the most tourists come from Iran. We can increase or diversify international events a bit more. Transportation-wise, Konya is very good. There are many alternatives for our guests in terms of reaching the city. Even the tram line is very convenient. We even have a bicycle tram. In this regard, we have a very good infrastructure. You can reach the farthest point in the city in about 15 minutes. This is something that many major cities cannot achieve."

Kaynak: AA

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