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"The new world order will be established according to 'water'"

"The new world order will be established according to 'water'"

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 13.07.2023 16:12
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 13.07.2023 16:12
Kaynak: İHA
"The new world order will be established according to 'water'"

Water expert Prof Dr Yusuf Demir; "In the next century, an order based on 'water' will be established all over the world, and water will be the focal point of global struggles.
The fact that more than 40 percent of the world is facing a water crisis, the increasing global climate impact and related natural disasters make us even more responsible for protecting our main resource, water. Prof. Dr. Yusuf Demir, Head of Agricultural Structures and Irrigation Department at Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU) Faculty of Agriculture, gave a "Water Literacy Conference" at the Ordu People's Association in Samsun. Prof. Dr. Yusuf Demir, who gave information on the use, consumption and protection of water, made important statements.

"We need to know the value of water and act accordingly"
Prof. Dr. Demir; “Individuals who know how the water used daily is distributed and purified, as well as maintaining the quality and safety of the water, knowing how much water is used and exactly what it is used for, are called water literate. Protecting water by using innovative technologies, developing new methods for saving water, cleaning polluted water naturally, awareness-raising activities, producing and using interdisciplinary activities in understanding water-related issues, and similar studies and solutions to water-related problems are studies that should be evaluated within this scope. "

"An order will be established in the world according to water"
Prof. Demir stated that water will become the focal point of global struggles in the coming years; "In the next century, an order based on water will be established all over the world, and water will be the focal point of global struggles. Turkey is no longer a water-rich country, on the contrary, it is a country that is experiencing water stress and is on the verge of water poverty. Water is indispensable for our survival, but also one of the most precious and strategic resources for the world. However, water is not an unlimited resource. We should not waste even a drop of it, because every drop that is wasted threatens the future of all of us. With the increasing population, industrialization, unplanned urbanization and transition to industrial agriculture, global water use has increased 6 times in the last century. Environmental pollution, which has been encountered in recent years, especially affects water resources. Access to clean water is getting harder and harder, so we need to know the value of water and act accordingly.

“Water awareness should be gained from an early age”
Prof Dr Demir said:
"Of course, there are measures to be taken by the states in this regard, but it is equally important to increase individual awareness. One of the effective ways for this is water literacy. Water literacy studies concern all members of the society. Education starting from the family should be continued by transforming it into a lifelong education approach in primary school. It is not possible to protect and protect water without knowing and understanding water. The fact that more than 40 percent of the world is facing a water crisis, the increasing global climate impact and related natural disasters make us even more responsible for protecting our main resource, water. Especially today, we all have important responsibilities to appreciate and protect water, to understand and apply concepts such as water footprint and carbon footprint for this purpose. Water is the concern of all humanity. Knowing and understanding water is synonymous with knowing and understanding human beings. In order to leave a sustainable life and world to future generations, it is imperative that all of us learn something about water literacy and put it into practice today. It is very important in this process that the states will do as much as they can with their people. It is the responsibility of all of us, especially to protect our existing waters, to regulate the use of water, and to realize a sustainable water concept. For this purpose, family education, primary education and higher education have a special importance. The responsibility of local governments is more important and prioritized than any sector and institution in this process. Each local government has to establish a water literacy unit and take responsibility for understanding and explaining water. It is the responsibility of all of us, from seven to seventy, to protect and recognize water. A drop of water means a life. We will understand, recognize, protect and explain water. This is the only way to look to the future with confidence and build a sustainable future."

Kaynak: İHA

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