Hava Durumu

The numbers are on the rise at Ercan Airport!

In 2022, Ercan Airport welcomed 3 million passengers, and in 2023, this number increased by 1 million to reach 4 million.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 24.03.2024 17:51
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 24.03.2024 17:51
Kaynak: İHA
The numbers are on the rise at Ercan Airport!

In 2022, Ercan Airport welcomed 3 million passengers, and in 2023, this number increased by 1 million to reach 4 million. Scheduled flights were the most preferred...

According to the data from the Civil Aviation Authority, in 2023, a total of 26,697 aircraft made round trips to Ercan Airport, transporting a total of 3,990,324 passengers. Of these individuals, 3,924,265 were scheduled passengers, 60,650 were charter passengers, and 5,809 were private flight passengers.

Humanitarian aid flights... Following the earthquake disaster in Turkey in February of last year, 31 special flights were conducted for humanitarian aid purposes. While 20 of these flights were directed towards Turkey, 11 special flights also arrived in Northern Cyprus. These flights carried 3,441 people for humanitarian aid purposes.

The number of aircraft taking off and landing at the airport within the airspace of Northern Cyprus and the number of passengers they carried are increasing every year. The increase in air transportation, especially preferred by students and tourists, is promising.

According to the data released by the Civil Aviation Authority under the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation, in 2023, the number of aircraft arriving and departing from Ercan Airport increased by 4,189 compared to the previous year. The number of passengers also increased by 941,929 compared to the previous year.

Last year, a total of 26,697 aircraft arrived and departed from Ercan Airport. Of these, 25,336 were scheduled, 510 were charter, and 851 were private flights.

With these flights, a total of 3,990,324 people used Ercan Airport over the course of a year.

In 2022, the number of aircraft arriving and departing from our country was 22,508, transporting 3,048,395 passengers.

Tremendous increase

According to the data of the Civil Aviation Authority, a total of 26,697 aircraft arrived and departed from Ercan Airport in 2023, carrying 3,990,324 people.

Of these individuals, 3,924,265 were scheduled passengers, 60,650 were charter passengers, and 5,809 were private flight passengers.

In 2023, out of 25,336 scheduled flights, 12,668 were incoming and 12,668 were outgoing flights.

The number of passengers arriving at Ercan with scheduled flights was 1,971,313 last year, while 1,952,952 passengers returned using scheduled flights from Ercan Airport.

The highest number of flights occurred in September and October.

When looking at the monthly data of passengers arriving and departing from Ercan Airport last year, it's evident that the highest circulation took place in September and October.

Both the number of flights and the number of passengers transported during these two months were higher compared to other months. This increase is believed to be related to the student population coming to our country for education.

Accordingly, flights that began in January 2023 with 1,848 aircraft carrying 251,466 passengers continued in September with 2,483 aircraft carrying 402,023 passengers.

In October, there were 2,609 flight operations, transporting a total of 408,051 passengers.

851 private flights used Ercan Airport.

In 2023, the number of private flights arriving at Ercan Airport was 421, while the number of departing private flights was 430.

Thus, the total number of private flights arriving and departing last year was 851, compared to 861 in the previous year.

Transit flights increased.

Looking at the number of transit flights using Ercan Airport's airspace, there was an increase of 22,536 transit flights compared to the previous year.

Transit flights using our country's airspace were 184,401 last year, while there were 161,865 transit flights in the previous year.

'Arriving' cargo exceeded 'departing' cargo.

According to the data published by the Civil Aviation Authority, aircraft arriving and departing at Ercan Airport carried a total of 1,104,907 kilograms of cargo in 2023.

Of this cargo, 193,125 kilograms were departing cargo, while 911,782 kilograms were arriving cargo.

In the previous year, 2022, the cargo transported by aircraft was 959,084 kilograms, with 239,859 kilograms being departing cargo and 719,225 kilograms being arriving cargo.

Humanitarian aid flights.

In addition to the 2023 data published by the Civil Aviation Authority under the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation regarding the statistics of aircraft passengers and cargo arriving and departing from Ercan Airport, information about the flights carried out for humanitarian aid following the earthquakes centered in Kahramanmaraş in February of the previous year was also provided.

Accordingly, in February of the previous year, there were 31 special flights conducted for humanitarian aid purposes, arriving and departing at Ercan Airport.

Of these flights, 20 were directed towards Turkey, while 11 special flights arrived in Northern Cyprus.

With the 31 flights organized for humanitarian aid purposes, a total of 3,441 individuals were transported, including 1,199 arriving passengers and 2,242 departing passengers.

Kaynak: İHA

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