Hava Durumu

The second runway has been opened at Sabiha Gökçen Airport

Minister Uraloğlu said, "As of today, we will use the new runway for landings, and the old runway for takeoffs. This way, we will at least double the air traffic capacity of Sabiha Gökçen Airport.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 26.12.2023 10:47
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 26.12.2023 10:47
Kaynak: Ekonomist
The second runway has been opened at Sabiha Gökçen Airport

Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uraloğlu, at the opening ceremony of the second runway at Sabiha Gökçen Airport, stated that, starting from today, they will use the new runway for landings and the old runway for takeoffs, as it will be the most efficient use in terms of air traffic and will provide maximum capacity. He mentioned, "This way, we will at least double the air traffic capacity of Sabiha Gökçen Airport."

During his speech at the opening ceremony, Minister Uraloğlu emphasized that during the 21 years of AK Party rule under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, they have advanced the country in all modes of transportation, such as road, rail, air, and maritime, as well as in the field of communication. He noted that the 100th year of the Republic is a significant year for the Ministry, with many important transportation and communication projects being inaugurated.

Recalling some of the services provided in 2023, Uraloğlu mentioned:

"We inaugurated several projects such as the Istanbul Airport-Kağıthane Metro Line, Atatürk Cultural Center-Kızılay Metro Line, Ankara-Sivas High-Speed Train Line, Adana July 15th Martyrs Bridge, Kayseri Anafartalar-High-Speed Tram Line, Konya-Antalya Road and Demirkapı Tunnel, Zigana Tunnel, the longest twin-tube road tunnel in Europe, New Foça Yacht Harbor, TÜRKSAT Satellite Ground Systems Backup Center, and an 89-kilometer section of the Aydın-Denizli Highway, among many others, together with our esteemed President."

"Due to the demand from our citizens, there was a need for a significant increase in capacity."

Minister Uraloğlu expressed that they made a strong start to the Turkish Century and walked confidently towards the Turkish Century under the leadership of President Erdoğan. He said, "As we approach the last days of 2023, we are experiencing the justified pride and joy of bidding farewell to the 100th year of our Republic with a new masterpiece, the second runway of Sabiha Gökçen Airport. Sabiha Gökçen Airport needed a significant increase in capacity due to the increasing number of passengers and the demand from our citizens. For this reason, we initiated works to develop Sabiha Gökçen Airport with an innovative and visionary perspective."

Providing information about the new runway, Uraloğlu continued:

"We have renewed infrastructure facilities covering an area of 19,000 square meters, such as the 3,540 meters long second runway, which can accommodate the widest-bodied aircraft, three taxiways, a middle apron with a capacity of 62 aircraft, and a cargo apron with a capacity of 40 aircraft. Additionally, we have upgraded the air traffic control tower, technical block, fire station, and garage building with the latest technology of the era. Our 91-meter-high Air Traffic Control Tower has been providing 24/7 air traffic operations since January 9, 2023, with all air traffic systems."

"We will at least double the air traffic capacity."

Uraloğlu stated that starting from today, they will use the new runway for landings and the old runway for takeoffs, as it will be the most efficient use in terms of air traffic and will provide maximum capacity. He said, "This way, we will at least double the air traffic capacity of Sabiha Gökçen Airport. Over time, we will increase it to 2.5 times."

"Road is civilization, road is progress, road is growth," said Abdulkadir Uraloğlu, adding, "In this regard, in line with the vision of our President, creating a safe, economical, comfortable, and fast transportation infrastructure contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of our citizens has been the fundamental goal of our Ministry. With the projects we have implemented so far, we are ready for the Turkish Century, and we will crown this century with many more projects and services, making it the century of transportation."

Uraloğlu pointed out that President Erdoğan's slogan "Durmak Yok Yola Devam" (No Stopping, Keep Going) is precisely the slogan of transportation professionals. He concluded his remarks by saying:

"We will continue our path with this slogan. I express my gratitude to our President for being with us and supporting us in every project that will shed light on the future of Turkey. I thank all the contractor firms and employees of the General Directorate of State Airports Authority who have successfully completed the construction of the second runway and complementary structures from top to bottom, and I wish them continued success."

Kaynak: Ekonomist

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