Hava Durumu

Vetrik: "We are contributing to the development of Russia-Turkey relations

The Russian Consulate General in Antalya has relocated. Speaking at the opening ceremony of the new building, Sergey Vetrik, the Russian Consul General in Antalya, said, 'Under the leadership of the Russian Embassy in Ankara, we are contributing to the development of Russia-Turkey relations.'

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 05.09.2024 10:55
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 05.09.2024 10:58
Kaynak: İHA
Vetrik: "We are contributing to the development of Russia-Turkey relations

The Russian Consulate General in Antalya, previously located in the Kılıçarslan neighborhood of the Muratpaşa district, has been relocated to the Çağlayan neighborhood within the same district.

"Three and a Half Million Russians Visited Antalya in 2023"
At the opening ceremony, Sergey Vetrik, the Russian Consul General in Antalya, mentioned that they had been waiting for the move to the new building for several years, stating:
"With the support of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Russian Embassy in Ankara, Turkish authorities, and our Turkish friends, we have finally managed to move into a new building that will provide a comfortable environment for Russian and Turkish citizens who approach us. The number of citizens seeking our services is increasing every year. Tens of thousands of our citizens live in Antalya, and millions of Russians visit for vacations each year. For example, in 2023, three and a half million Russians came to Antalya. Our jurisdiction also includes Muğla, where we have many citizens as well."

"We Are Contributing to the Development of Russia-Turkey Relations"
In addition to consular duties, Vetrik emphasized that they continue to work on enhancing relations between Russia and Turkey, concluding his speech with the following remarks:
"Under the leadership of the Russian Embassy in Ankara, we are contributing to the development of Russia-Turkey relations. Throughout the past year, we participated in numerous Turkish-Russian events. Undoubtedly, the most significant of these was the participation of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in the Antalya Diplomacy Forum. Many cultural events, including concerts and programs featuring world-renowned Russian artists, were organized. We extend our gratitude to everyone for their interest in strengthening relations with our country, for maintaining constant contact with us, and especially for their support in moving our consulate to a new building."

At the end of the event, special Russian desserts were served to the guests.
The opening ceremony was attended by Antalya Governor Hulusi Şahin, Russian Ambassador to Turkey Aleksey Erkhov, Antalya Police Chief İlker Arslan, Antalya Metropolitan Mayor Muhittin Böcek, Russian Federation High Commissioner for Human Rights Tatiana Moskalkova, Russian Consul General in Antalya Sergey Vetrik, Kazakh Consul General in Antalya Kuat Kanafeyev, Muratpaşa Mayor Ümit Uysal, ATSO Board Member Hasan Sarı, and many representatives from the tourism sector.

Kaynak: İHA

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