#2022 Mastercard Tourism Report

TOURISMJOURNAL - 2022 Mastercard Tourism Report haberleri, son dakika gelişmeleri, detaylı bilgiler ve tüm gelişmeler, 2022 Mastercard Tourism Report haber sayfasında canlı gelişmelerle ulaşabilirsiniz.

Больше всего денег туристы потратили в Невшехире. Haber

Больше всего денег туристы потратили в Невшехире.

Расходы туристов выросли на 65% в долларовом выражении Согласно результатам Отчета о туризме MasterCard за 2022 год, который был разработан, чтобы пролить свет на информацию о туризме; Операции с иностранными картами в Турции увеличились на 225% в турецких лирах и на 65% в долларовом выражении по сравнению с аналогичным периодом прошлого года. Стамбул, Анталия и Мугла вошли в тройку самых посещаемых городов, а Невшехир стал местом с наибольшим ростом туристических расходов. По сравнению с январем-октябрем прошлого года общая сумма расходов в долларовом выражении увеличилась за аналогичный период текущего года. Невшехир стал городом с самыми высокими темпами роста, с увеличением расходов на 5% при повышенном интересе туристов из стран Европы и Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона. В 2022 году больше всего туристов приехало к сказочным дымоходам из Австралии, Италии, Англии, Индонезии и Испании. Больше всего туристов в Турцию приехало в Стамбул (43%), Анталию (20%) и Муглу (8,7%). Первая тройка стран M,U»Ui »fyl» HıraafcV по расходам международных карт в Турции; Германия (), Великобритания () и США (). Среди 10 стран, путешествующих в Турцию; Жители Саудовской Аравии, удвоившие свои расходы по сравнению с прошлым годом, достигли самых высоких темпов роста, увеличившись в 9,5 раз. Турция является вторым наиболее предпочтительным направлением для кувейтцев, и ее расходы выросли на 82% по сравнению с прошлым годом. Средние расходы кувейтцев на одну карту составляют 1749 долларов, что примерно в 3 раза превышает общий средний показатель в четырех секторах, где больше всего тратят ближневосточные туристы; одежда и аксессуары (40%), жилье (22%), рынки и торговые центры (7%), продукты питания и здоровье/косметика (6%).

Foreign card transactions in Turkey increased by 65% Haber

Foreign card transactions in Turkey increased by 65%

According to the 2022 Mastercard Tourism Report, foreign card transactions in Turkey increased 225 percent in TL and 65 percent in dollars compared to the same period of the previous year. The "2022 Mastercard Tourism Report", which was implemented to shed light on tourism insights, has been concluded. Compared to the January-October period of last year, there was an increase in the dollar-based total expenditure in the same period of this year. The most important reason for this is the increase in the number of cards used, which indicates the increase in the number of tourists coming to Turkey. Both POS expenditures and cash withdrawals in Turkey increased 225 percent in TL terms and 65% in dollars compared to the same period of the previous year. The average spend by a tourist per card was $610. Turkey is mostly in demand from Germany, England and the USA. Nevşehir has become the city with the highest growth rate, with an increase of 155 percent in expenditures, with the intense interest of tourists from Europe and Asia Pacific countries. The guests of the city of fairy chimneys, which hosted more tourists in 2022 compared to the same period of the previous year, came from Australia, Italy, England, Indonesia and Spain. The provinces in which the tourists coming to Turkey were most popular were Istanbul (43 percent), Antalya (20 percent) and Muğla (8.7 percent), respectively. Looking at the expenditures made by international cards in Turkey, the top three countries are Germany (16 percent), England (14 percent) and the USA (10 percent). Among the 10 countries traveling to Turkey, Saudi Arabians, who doubled their spending compared to last year, had the highest growth rate with an increase of 9.5 times. Turkey became the second most preferred destination by Kuwaitis. The expenditures of Kuwaiti tourists in Turkey increased by 82 percent compared to last year. The average Kuwaiti spend per card was $1,749, nearly three times the overall average. The four sectors in which Middle Eastern tourists spend the most were clothing and accessories with 40 percent, accommodation with 22 percent, markets and shopping malls with 7 percent, and food and health/cosmetics with 6 percent. While European tourists spend the most money on food and beverage in Turkey, they also show interest in jewelery in Turkey, unlike competing destinations. While jewelry expenditures do not exceed 1 percent in their travels to other countries, approximately 10 percent of the expenditures made in Turkey is reserved for jewelry expenditures. The expectation of multiplier effect in health tourism While health expenditures made with international cards in Turkey grew by 94 percent between 2018 and 2021, the shrinkage experienced by the impact of Kovid-19 was compensated in 2021 and 2022. By the end of 2022, the number of spending cards in the healthcare sector is expected to be nearly twice as high as in 2021. When the foreign health expenditures in Turkey are examined, it is seen that hospitals make up 46 percent of this category, while private doctors make up 32 percent, pharmacies 17 percent and other items 5 percent. UK and Germany cards, on the other hand, correspond to approximately 40% of the expenditures made by international cards in the health sector in Turkey. While 47 percent of health expenditures occurred in Istanbul, the address of the most significant increase in the first 5 provinces compared to the previous year was Muğla with 179 percent. The most important results reflected in the report are "Germany, the country with the highest share in expenditures with 16 percent. England and the USA followed it. According to the report, which revealed that an average of 610 dollars was spent, Kuwait reached 3 times the average with 1,749 dollars, and became the leader in per capita spending. While Istanbul again stood out as the province with the highest spending, Antalya and Muğla ranked second and third, while Nevşehir achieved the highest expenditure growth. It has increased 12 times. With an increase of 3 times compared to last year, the biggest share in health tourism came from the British." summarized as. Source: BloombergHT

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