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Alanya'da Akaryakıt Tesisi Tepkisi Büyüyor Haber

Alanya'da Akaryakıt Tesisi Tepkisi Büyüyor

ANTALYA (İHA) - Antalya’nın Alanya ilçesinde, Aytemiz’e ait Dolfeni tesisinin kapasite artışına olumlu ÇED raporu verilmesi turizmcilerin tepkisine yol açtı. Alanya Turistik İşletmeciler Derneği (ALTİD) Başkanı Burhan Şili, bu tür bir yapının hem çevreyi hem de deniz ekosistemini olumsuz etkileyeceğini belirterek, "Bu hem karasal çevreyi hem de su altını etkileyebilecek, ciddi riskler de barındıran yapı. Dolayısıyla bu tesisi istemiyoruz" dedi. Alanya’nın Yeşilöz sahilinde 2011 yılında faaliyete geçen Aytemiz akaryakıt dolum tesisinin kapasitesinin artırılmasına yönelik olumlu ÇED raporu, bölgede endişe yarattı. Bu kararla birlikte, gemi yanaşma kapasitesinin 60 bin DWT’den 160 bin DWT’ye çıkacağı ve dolfenlerin uzunluğunun 324 metreye ulaşacağı belirtildi. "TURİZM BÖLGESİNDE BÖYLE BİR YAPI KABUL EDİLEMEZ" ALTİD Başkanı Burhan Şili, tesisin genişletilmesinin turizme büyük zarar vereceğini belirterek, "Bizim bölgemiz Alanya turizm ile anılan bir bölge ve çok uzun yıllardan bugüne turizm yapan bir bölge. Ağırlıklı olarak da deniz, kum ve güneş üçlemesi üzerine. Her ne kadar spor, sağlık, kültür gibi farklı sektörlerimiz olsa da ağırlıklı olarak deniz, kum ve güneş turizmi yapmaktayız. Konuya bu şekilde baktığımız zaman bugün Alanya Gazipaşa arasında halihazırda var olan akaryakıt dolum tesisinin kapasitesinin büyütülmesi konusu gündemdeydi. Biz daha önce bunun buraya yapılmaması anlamında görüş bildirmiştik. Daha da büyütülerek riskin artırılması ve bölgemizde oluşacak olumsuz bir durumun tüm bölgenin turizmine etki edecek olması bizlerin arzu etmediği bir durum. Bu anlamda da ilgili mercilere başvurularımız yapıyoruz. Gerekli hukuki yaklaşımlar ne ise bununla da ilgili çalışmaları da arkadaşlarımız yürütecekler. Nihayetinde burada bir sağduyu gerekiyor. Bu tesisin turizmin olmadığı daha uygun bir bölgede yapılması belki daha uygun olur, mevcut tesisin kapasitesinin daha da artırılmaması bizlerin temel isteği" dedi. Şili, Alanya’nın Türkiye turizm ekonomisine önemli katkı sağladığını vurgulayarak, "Turizm bacasız bir sanayi ve bizim bölgemiz Türkiye’nin turizm gelirine ciddi oranda katkıda bulunuyor. Yatak kapasitesinin yüzde 9-10’unu barındıran bir bölge olarak, bu tür kararların turizm sektörü düşünülerek verilmesi gerekiyor" ifadelerini kullandı. "ÇEVREYE VE EKONOMİYE ZARAR VERİR" Dolfeni tesisinin büyütülmesinin sadece turizme değil, çevreye de büyük zarar vereceğini söyleyen Şili, yapının deniz altı ekosistemini ve çevreyi olumsuz etkileyebilecek riskler taşıdığını yineledi. Gaz salınımları, olası kazalar veya akaryakıt sızıntılarının, deniz ve kara ekosistemini ciddi anlamda tehdit edebileceğini belirten Şili, kapasite artırımına karşı olduklarını tekrarladı. Kleopatra Otelciler Derneği Başkanı Servet Şakiroğlu da konuyla ilgili sert açıklamalarda bulunarak, "Tesisin mevcut kapasitesi zaten tartışma konusuyken, büyütülmesi asla kabul edilemez. Bakanlığın almış olduğu kararı mahkemeye taşıyacağız. Turizm baltalanacak. Biz kesinlikle buna müsaade etmeyiz. Akıl var mantık var. Ne dolfen kapasitesine ne de dolum tesisi projesinin artırılmasına onayımız var. Hem güvenlik hem de deniz açısından sağlıklı değil. Bu karar kabul edilemez. Göz göre göre buna nasıl ÇED olumlu kararı verirler" ifadelerini kullandı.

Germans will define tourism this summer Haber

Germans will define tourism this summer

Although the inflationary environment, especially in Europe, and the price increases due to high costs in our country, put pressure on tourism, growth expectations regarding the season continue. This season, the most demand for the coastal areas of Turkey comes from German tourists. The Germans will determine the course of the tourist season. On the other hand, the British support this demand. In addition, the reservations made by Eastern European countries draw attention. Hotel occupancy has started to rise in Antalya, which is the clear leader of summer holidays. The demand, which has slowed down due to the earthquake disaster and elections, is expected to continue with full performance in June. A country with no alternative Explaining that they expect the Germans to have a high demand for Turkey, Bentour Germany General Manager Songül Göktaş Rosati said that Turkey is "without alternatives" for the Germans. Rosati, emphasizing that they plan to bring more holidaymakers to Turkey with an increase of 30 percent, said, “This may be 20 percent in the worst case. In fact, January started with a tremendous increase in bookings. Afterwards, the earthquake and the election process in Turkey slowed it down. On the other hand, rising inflation in Europe led people to act cautiously in this unfamiliar region, and the slowdown in pre-bookings became visible. Short-term reservations are currently taking place. However, Turkey is the second most visited and booked country by Germany. Turkey has no alternative, we always say this. Again, compared to other countries, the number of people who come here does not decrease. Our predictions are still high, we will pass 2022 anyway, but we want to show growth against 2019." Rıza Perçin, Chairman of the Mediterranean Regional Representative Board of the Association of Turkish Travel Agencies (TÜRSAB), stated that they expect a recovery in June in terms of Russian tourists, who were in the first place in the region before. Explaining that the Germans took the place of the Russians, Perçin said, “We see that the Germans took the place of the Russians, who previously covered this region by including the majority. But in June, there may be more head-to-head competition. England will be in third place. There is a normal course in the domestic market. It will increase with the closure of schools and the conclusion of the election." 'The numbers and income will rise' Burhan Sili, President of Alanya Touristic Operators Association (ALTID), stated that the occupancy rate of the facilities started to increase as of May, despite the earthquake disaster and the subsequent election process slowing down the market. And he said the season will be high this summer with the effect of source markets. While pointing to a much higher season in terms of numbers than 2022, Sili said: “The most important issue here is the cost issue. The fact that the exchange rates did not differ much compared to the previous year reduces our profitability in tourism, which is also defined as exports in a way. If there are certain improvements in the economy, we will complete the year positively in terms of numbers and income. According to the apparent reservation and demand, Germany will stand out in the regions. Russia's situation is still not clear, but it is important for us. Eastern Europe and Scandinavian countries are also in high demand. The serious attack of England continues.” 'Income remained low while prices increased' Romania is one of the countries that has increased the number of holidays in Turkey in recent years. Turkey, which is not far from Romania's target of 1 million tourists, is affected by rising domestic prices and the decrease in income in Romania this season. Şaban Atalar, General Manager of ITS Travel Services, the company of Christian Tour in Antalya, one of the largest tour operators in Romania, said that there was a certain decrease from the country to which they conveyed high demand throughout January. Atalar said, “When we look at the season in general, prices in euro terms seem to have increased considerably for people in Romania. In contrast, people's incomes did not increase in Eastern and Western Europe. There has been a new increase in demand for the last month, but it is not at the desired level. This is why Tunisia and Egypt stand out with their more affordable prices. We manage our plans for Turkey with our own three planes. No changes here. We brought 42 thousand tourists in 2022, the target in 2023 is 71 thousand. If we take 2019 as a basis, we brought 64 thousand tourists that year.”

Специалисты по туризму ожидают в Аланье в этом году около 2,5 миллионов российских туристов. Haber

Специалисты по туризму ожидают в Аланье в этом году около 2,5 миллионов российских туристов.

Аланья с Таврскими горами на севере и Средиземным морем на юге является одним из излюбленных мест отдыха туристов. Ежедневное население района, население которого приближается к 400 тысячам, летом превышает 700 тысяч туристов из Европы и России. Район, который в 2019 году посетило более 4 миллионов туристов, в последующие годы сократился из-за действовавшей в мире эпидемии коронавируса нового типа (Ковид-19). Однако с возрождением туризма в мире после того, как эпидемия утратила свое влияние в 2022 году, Аланья приблизилась к старым туристическим показателям. Он принимает каждого десятого туриста, приезжающего в Турцию. Бурхан Сили, президент Ассоциации туристических операторов Аланьи (ALTID), сказал, что 30 процентов туристов, приезжающих в Анталию, — россияне. Заявив, что каждый третий гость, приехавший в Анталию в 2019 году, является русским, Сили сказал: «Аланья — это регион, в котором русские серьезно нуждаются. Наш прогноз в отношении России таков, что в этом году показатель не будет ниже, чем в прошлом году. будет немного выше».  Сили заявил, что их основная проблема в туризме заключается в том, что они видят меньший спрос в апреле и мае по сравнению с другими регионами Анталии, и отметил, что для этого следует увеличить разнообразие продуктов и спрос на этот период. Объяснив, что в разгар сезона они заполняют все грядки, Сили продолжила следующим образом: «Важно то, что она растянута на более длительный период времени. Так что 4 миллиона должны прийти снова, но 80-85 процентов, а не 100 процентов, как в июле. Пусть будет 50-60 процентов вместо 20-30 процентов в апреле. и май. Это также чрезвычайно важно с точки зрения динамики бизнеса и продолжения работы персонала. Важно. Это внесет больший вклад в жизнь города. Это значение также повлияет на динамику города». Отметив, что 30 процентов от общей вместимости Анталии находится в Алании, Сили сказал: «Я не знаю, достигнет ли Анталия своей цели в 20 миллионов туристов в этом году, но мы ожидаем, что это будет выше прошлогодних показателей. по крайней мере. Мы поймаем его ". «Мы конкурируем с Испанией» Вице-президент Фонда содействия туризму Аланьи (ALTAV) Мехмет Дахаоглу сказал, что, будучи профессионалами в области туризма в Аланье, одном из самых важных туристических направлений Турции и отправных точках туризма, они ежегодно ставят перед собой цели на 2019 год. Заявив, что они работают над тем, чтобы превзойти цифры на 2019 год, Дахаоглу сказал: «Нам пришлось на некоторое время отказаться от наших целей из-за Ковид-19 в 2020 и 2021 годах. Однако 2022 год дал нам надежду, и теперь мы работаем над тем, чтобы достичь лучших результатов за все время в 2023 году. 2019 «Аланья привлекает туристов своим качественным обслуживанием, разумной ценой и природой. Наши цели на 2023 год — превзойти цель 2019 года, хотя бы одним щелчком мыши». сказал. Заявив, что после землетрясения в Кахраманмараше в умах туристов появились знаки вопроса, Дахаоглу отметил, что они решили эти проблемы на ярмарках, которые посетили. Заявив, что они объяснили, что Турция является надежной страной, Дахаоглу подчеркнул, что на данный момент нет никаких отклонений от их целей на 2023 год. Дахаоглу сказал: "Мы конкурируем с Испанией. Мы находимся в авангарде больше, чем Греция. У нас очень качественные отели, очень доступные цены. Ни одного в мире. Рынок Великобритании на первом месте по приросту. Германия и Россия всегда были Важно. Война между Россией и Украиной вызвала паузу на этом рынке. "Я думаю, что мы преодолеем эти проблемы в 2023 году. В худшем случае, я думаю, мы примем в Анталии 7 миллионов российских гостей. Доля этого туриста, приезжающего в Анталию, составляет 35 -40 процентов в Алании. Другими словами, в наш район могут приехать 2,5 миллиона россиян». Дахаоглу подчеркнул, что переплетение туризма и городской жизни является важным фактором при выборе района, где обслуживаются почти 600 отелей с сертификатами министерства, добавив, что Аланья принимает каждого десятого туриста, который приедет в Турцию.

The health tourism sector has increased its target Haber

The health tourism sector has increased its target

Tevfik Yazan, President of the Turkish Federation of Health Tourism Associations (TURSAF), told Anadolu Agency (AA) that health tourism is a very important alternative to extending the tourism of the country and the Mediterranean Region to 12 months, and that despite the adversities in the world, there has been an increase in the number of guests hosted for health purposes in Turkey. Noting that the foreign exchange inflow from health tourism has also increased in recent years, Yazan said that while 1.7 billion dollars of foreign currency inflow was provided with 670 thousand tourists in 2021, this increased to 1 million 280 thousand tourists and 2 billion dollars in 2022. Expressing that Turkey deserves more, Yazan noted that they have increased their targets and that they can get more shares from health tourism through branding. Yazan emphasized that Turkey is on a stable path in health tourism despite adversities such as economic turmoil and natural disasters, and stated that this is due to the fact that those seeking treatment in Turkey want reliability as well as being economical. Yazan stated that Turkey has become one of the top 3-4 countries in the world in surgical branches, infertility, IVF treatments, oncological treatments, cosmetic operations, eye and dental treatment and hair transplantation. Yazan said, "The reliability and more economical health service provided at high standards has brought this success. Our country carries with it positive advantages in health care. For example, people and their relatives engage in additional tourism activities during the treatment process. Sea, sun, history, cultural structure and culinary richness are just a few of these additional advantages of our country."  Pointing out that they are in demand from European countries, especially Germany, England, the Netherlands, and the Middle East in health tourism, Yazan said, "These are mostly coming for hair transplantation, dental and eye treatment and cosmetic surgeries. When we take into account our advantages regarding the sub-branches of tourism, we expect an increase of at least 25-30% in 2023 compared to the previous year in terms of the number of patients and income.” "We're good at this, and we show that we are" Turkish Hoteliers Federation (TÜROFED) Board Member and Alanya Touristic Operators Association (ALTID) President Burhan Sili said that they made a promotion about health at the ITB Berlin International Tourism Fair this year as part of their efforts to diversify products in tourism. Stating that Turkey receives serious demand from countries close to its flight distance in terms of health tourism, Sili said, "England, Russia and the Middle East are some of these markets. It is in question to get tourists with high added value and to diversify our product, as well as to extend the season. Because tourists who come to this area do not need to come in the summer period." Stating that Istanbul and Antalya are among the cities in demand in the field of health, Sili emphasized that hospitals and clinics in Antalya and Alanya are in a serious structuring. Noting that people who come here, can meet their health-related and cosmetic demands, dental and hair transplantation, and also have a vacation. Sili said: "Our country will continue the process by developing in health tourism. There is a difference of 1 to 20 in terms of added value between those who come for sea, sand and sun and those who come for health tourism. This is important for the country's economy and for us. Both medical professionals, entrepreneurs and tourism professionals are good at this, and we show that we are good." Sili stated that tourism, which is stuck in 5-6 months with the introduction of culture, sports and other products, will spread to 8-9 months, adding that this will positively affect other dynamics in the city.

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