#Artificial Intelligence

TOURISMJOURNAL - Artificial Intelligence haberleri, son dakika gelişmeleri, detaylı bilgiler ve tüm gelişmeler, Artificial Intelligence haber sayfasında canlı gelişmelerle ulaşabilirsiniz.

Geleceğin Mesleği Altı Haneli Maaş Vadediyor Haber

Geleceğin Mesleği Altı Haneli Maaş Vadediyor

Dijital pazarlama ekosistemi, reklam pastasında yüzde 70’lik bir pay alarak hızla büyümeye devam ediyor. Bu büyümede makine öğrenmesinin katkısı büyük. Yapay zekâ, kullanıcı davranışlarını analiz edip doğru müşteriyi hedefleyerek etkili sonuçlar sunuyor. Ayrıca, AB testi gibi süreçleri otomatikleştirerek zamandan tasarruf sağlıyor. Görsel, sesli ve video içeriklerle doğru mesajı doğru zamanda ileterek dönüşüm oranlarını artırıyor. SEKTÖR ÇİFT HANELİ BÜYÜYOR Yapay zekâyı süreçlerine entegre etmek isteyen şirketlerin şu adımları izlemesi öneriliyor: Zaman ve verimlilik analizi yapın: Otomasyona geçebilecek birimleri belirleyin. Doğru araçları seçin: İhtiyaca uygun araçları araştırın ve AR-GE çalışmaları yapın. Eğitim süreçlerini planlayın: Personelin bu araçları nasıl kullanacağını öğrenmesini sağlayın. E-TİCARETTE YAPAY ZEKÂ İLE BAŞARI FORMÜLLERİ Yapay zekâ, e-ticarette kullanıcı davranışlarını analiz ederek her müşteriye kişiselleştirilmiş deneyimler sunuyor. Örneğin, bir müşteri ayakkabı alırken ona kemer veya pantolon önererek sepet tutarını artırmak mümkün hale geliyor. Segmentasyon sayesinde, satın almaya yakın kullanıcılar için özel pazarlama mesajları oluşturulabiliyor. Bu yöntem, hem kullanıcı etkileşimini artırıyor hem de dönüşüm oranlarını yükseltiyor. YAPAY ZEKÂ EĞİTMENLİĞİ: YENİ BİR MESLEK Yapay zekâ eğitmenliği, doğru ve kaliteli veriyle yapay zekâyı besleyerek yüksek performans ve başarılı sonuçlar elde etmeyi amaçlayan bir meslek olarak önümüzdeki yıllarda öne çıkacak. Bu alanda uzmanlaşmak, geleceğin dijital dünyasında büyük avantaj sağlayabilir. Ayrıca, yapay zeka ve makine öğrenmesi teknolojilerinin temelini oluşturan büyük veriyle çalışan ve bu verileri anlamlandıran veri odaklı meslekler de giderek daha popüler hale geliyor. Örneğin, veri mühendisliği, gelecekte yoğun talep görecek meslekler arasında olacak. Veri mühendisleri, büyük veri setlerini toplamak, düzenlemek ve analiz etmek için altyapılar kurarak yapay zeka uygulamalarının gelişimini destekleyecek. MooF Dijital Reklam Ajansı ve Dijital Pazarlama Okulu kurucusu ve girişimci Yasin Kaplan’a göre, yapay zekâ eğitmenliği, özellikle yurt dışı projelerinde yer alındığında 6 haneli maaşlar kazanmayı mümkün kılıyor. Son 10 yılda her yıl çift haneli büyüyen dijital pazarlama sektörü, markaların stratejilerinin merkezinde yer alıyor. Yapay zekâ, bu alandaki rehberlik rolüyle süreçleri hızlandırmaya ve daha etkili hale getirmeye devam ediyor. Dijital teknolojilere yapılan yatırımların artmasıyla sektörün gelecekte daha da büyümesi bekleniyor.

How will artificial intelligence affect the future of jobs? Haber

How will artificial intelligence affect the future of jobs?

Artificial intelligence is no longer the technology of the future, but the technology of today. It is possible to say that this is a technology that will create an economic volume of 15.7 trillion dollars by 2030 and that it will be the driving force of the economic development of countries. Artificial intelligence will have permeated every field in the near future, from agriculture to energy, from defense to education. The statement "Artificial intelligence can replace 300 million full-time jobs" in the report of investment bank Goldman Sachs is quite remarkable. In the same report, the statement "Artificial intelligence can also create new jobs and increase productivity even more" is emphasized. Again, according to the data of the World Economic Forum (WEF), artificial intelligence is expected to create 97 million new jobs by 2025, while causing 85 million job losses. It is obvious that the technological transformation that started with artificial intelligence will transform some occupational groups while eliminating some of them. 5 professions that will come to the fore with artificial intelligence Every change is a harbinger of other changes. With the transformative effect of artificial intelligence, it is inevitable for many professions to change form. The first step to be taken here is to be excited and curious about this transformation and to increase our competencies in order to keep up with the new professions that will emerge. At the forefront of these competencies comes with technological knowledge. In today's world, we have passed the era of "Whatever you do, do it with technology". We can easily say that we have entered a period in which we will have to deal with artificial intelligence, especially after 2025, in professional groups such as law, medicine, architecture and politics. Especially in 2025, with the further development of artificial intelligence, we can say that the following 5 professions will come to the fore. Deep fiction detection expertise The first of the professions that will come to the fore is deepfake (deep fiction) detection expertise. Deepfake, which is one of the sub-working areas of artificial intelligence, is a concept that we have started to hear slowly and that we will hear frequently in the near future. The technology called deep editing, in its most basic form, is "digital face and voice transplant" in videos created using deep learning technique. At the point where this technology, which is created using artificial intelligence, has reached today, it is possible to change a digital image with a few clicks and produce unreal videos that are so believable that they cannot be distinguished from people's own faces, voices, facial expressions and speech. We can state that these videos, which can be created to make it seem as if a person is saying or doing something that he has never said or done, are developing as one of the greatest dangers of today and the near future. It will become more and more important to develop technologies that can detect deep fiction that can damage the privacy of individuals and institutions, discredit them, and even cause international crises. Deep fiction detection experts will be easily employed in the public and private sectors, especially in the field of media and international relations. Space tourism guide The second profession that will come to the fore with the development of artificial intelligence is space tourism guidance. Space is one of the most popular topics of recent months. We talk about space more than in the past and it looks like we will continue. Space is also a subject that all humanity is curious about. The fact that technology entrepreneurs such as Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are also turning to this field increases the excitement and curiosity about space even more. The announcement of the Gateway Foundation that it will open a hotel in space in 2027 took this excitement in a completely different direction. With the beginning of life in space and the opening of hotels, many needs will have to be met. At this point, artificial intelligence can be used for many different critical purposes such as cleaning up space waste, designing space missions and processing data in earth orbit. Earth observation satellites produce huge amounts of data. This data, received in bits and pieces by ground stations, must be reassembled before being analysed. The capabilities of artificial intelligence will be greatly needed for this analysis of satellite data. In addition, autonomous space vehicles and robots that gain the ability to make decisions will also play a big role in the future of the space ecosystem. As a result of these developments, it seems that the popularity of space tourism guidance and space experts will increase day by day. In the next process, we can say that every profession related to space will come to the fore while greater steps are taken to explore space. Climate technologies expertise Another profession that will come to the fore as a result of technological developments is climate technology expertise. One of the most important problems of the near future is undoubtedly climate change, which is at our doorstep. While the idea that issues such as global warming brought about by this change may create major problems for humanity in the near future, studies in the field of climate change continue to increase rapidly. Artificial intelligence technology, which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions in processes such as energy production, safe storage and distribution, will increase energy efficiency. In addition, micro technologies that will support the production and storage of energy close to where it is consumed have the potential to come to the fore. Artificial intelligence can effectively help detect and conserve biodiversity. Furthermore, changes in vegetation can be identified by monitoring moment by moment thanks to satellite images. Climate technologies expertise, which can be effective in finding solutions to the issue with artificial intelligence in such ways, will attract the attention of the private sector. In addition, every attempt on this subject will have the potential to reach unicorn (Turcorn) levels. ChatGPT analytics Another profession that will come to the fore with the changes in the near future is ChatGPT analyst. We can call ChatGPT, which is one of the sub-headings of artificial intelligence and affects every field, especially education, as an artificial intelligence supported digital assistant. You can ask for recipes, design website content, and even print articles with ChatGPT. With ChatGPT-4, which was launched in the past months, you can ask anything to this technology, which is developing day by day. And yet, ChatGPT analysts will be sorely needed in government agencies, the private sector, and especially in academia. Metaverse policeman The fifth profession that will come to the fore with the development of artificial intelligence technologies is metaverse policeman. One of the most frequently heard concepts lately is undoubtedly the metaverse. The metaverse, which is a very popular and unusual concept today, was included in the novel "Snow Crash" written by American science fiction writer Neal Stephenson in 1992, exactly 31 years ago. In this novel, which predicts that the internet will evolve into a virtual reality-based form, people escape from the dystopian reality of their lives by using their digital avatars to explore the online world.  In October 2021, Facebook's principal company changed its name to Meta. This concept, which came to the center of our lives with the surprising announcement of Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg, seems like it will never leave our lives for many years. As the number of users grows in the metaverse, where artificial intelligence acts as a catalyst, the list of potential harassment, cyberbullying, fraud and crimes such as money laundering will potentially expand. With the increase of these problems, the profession of metaverse policing will come to the fore in the near future in order to follow up the events first and then prevent them. Interpol's opening of its headquarters in the metaverse in the past months can be seen as the first sign of this. "Whatever you do, do it with technology" Rapidly changing and developing technology brings new needs and prepares the ground for transforming old needs. We can easily say that we have entered the era of "Whatever you do, do it with technology". Those who can integrate technology into their current business by closely following the technology will benefit from this situation. According to a study conducted by the University of Oxford, many occupations will be automatic in the next 20 years and the need for manpower in these occupations will decrease or will not be needed at all. It is inevitable that artificial intelligence will advance so much and robots will take place in the industry as a support element. In particular, some physical work is expected to be done more by machines. In addition to these prominent occupational groups, it is possible to say that occupational groups such as customer service and sales representatives, cashiers, referees, bank employees, real estate agents, printing press operators, courier and announcers will evolve to the point of disappearance with the transformative effect of artificial intelligence.

Hittite tablets are read by artificial intelligence method Haber

Hittite tablets are read by artificial intelligence method

With the project, which was implemented as a first in the world, 1,954 Hittite tablets are read using artificial intelligence. The data obtained from the nail tablets will be put into service with the Hitit Digital Library to be established. The first phase of the project, which was initiated to read, scan and digitize the Hittite cuneiform tablets in the inventory of Ankara Anatolian Civilizations Museum, Istanbul Archeology Museums and Çorum Museum, has been completed. Within the framework of the project carried out in cooperation with Ankara University and the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Museums of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, this exemplary project on Hittite tablets will facilitate the analysis of historical documents of thousands of years, and thus, tablet readings and publications will accelerate. The process of reading 500 tablets with artificial intelligence has been completed The first phase of the teaching process to artificial intelligence has ended by photographing it in high resolution and scanning it in 3D in Hattusa, the capital of the Hittites. While working on 1,954 cuneiform tablets with high-resolution photographs using artificial intelligence, the learning process of 500 Hittite tablets with cuneiform writing was completed in the first place. In the artificial intelligence study, 75.66 percent success was achieved. The data obtained from the readings will be shared with the scientific world by Hittitologists. In addition, when the artificial intelligence studies are completed, the information obtained from the tablets will be created and a digital library will be made available to Hititologists and history buffs. “This project is a first in the world” Ankara University Faculty Member Assoc. Dr. Emphasizing that the project is a first in the world, Özlem Sir Gavaz said, “The discovery of the Boğazkale tablets from Çorum has a great meaning. We started a project for the first time in the world to read Hittite tablets by artificial intelligence. Were there any examples? there was. There were examples of this in Chicago, Toronto, Tel Aviv University. Those directly related to artificial intelligence were on the Babylonian, Akkadian tablets. There was no project to digitize Hittite tablets directly like us and then integrate it with artificial intelligence. Therefore, we are very happy,” he said. Assoc. Dr. Gavaz, Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism Nadir Alpaslan for his support to the project, Ankara University Rector Prof. Dr. He thanked Necdet Ünüvar and General Manager of Cultural Heritage and Museums Gökhan Yazgı.

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